How do I view my hourly water consumption?
Under the Usage tab, select Usage Overview. You should see a graph with your water usage, which shows your monthly usage by default. Hover your mouse over the bars to see a detailed view of your usage. To view your hourly and daily usage, select those options above the graph or double-click on a bar. View our
Water Use and Alerts instruction sheet to learn more about viewing water use.
How can I tell if there is a leak?
Observe the daily water use patterns at your home or business to see what’s normal for your account. If you observe activity that seems much higher than your normal water usage, or record continuous water use for more than 24 hours, you may have a leak. View our
Water Use and Alerts instruction sheet to see what is considered typical household water use.
How do I set up leak alerts?
Under the Account tab, select Notification Preferences. Click Leak Alert and enter an email address. Ensure that the box to the left is checked and notifications are turned on. For customers with multiple accounts, notifications must be set for each account.
When will a leak alert be sent?
If your meter registers continuous water use for 24 hours straight, you will receive a leak alert. Continuous water use usually indicates a leak, but swamp coolers, humidifiers, and normal business operations may also contribute to continuous water use.
What should I do if I have a leak?
First, you will need to find and fix the leak. The most common sources of unknown leaks are toilets and sprinkler systems. To learn more about handling leaks and recommendations for next steps, please visit our
leak webpage.
What if I have a water emergency or my meter lid is missing?
If you are experiencing a water emergency or notice that your meter lid is missing, call 303-658-2500.
I’m a residential customer. Why can’t I see my hourly usage?
Our meters transmit hourly usage through a radio signal. If your hourly usage isn’t registering, check whether something is blocking the meter signal from being read. Common causes of blocked meter signals include installing landscaping or sod over meters, blocking them with trash cans, or parking on them. In some instances, meter radios and wires may be damaged by lawn mowing or snow being plowed into them. If your meter is clear and you still cannot see your hourly usage, call 303-658-2500.
I’m a commercial customer or customer that lives in an apartment. Why can’t I see my hourly usage?
Our meter system that reads hourly usage is only set up for 1-inch and 3/4-inch meters. Some commercial meters or meters that are used for large residential buildings like apartments are 1.5-inch and larger. We have begun converting commercial meters larger than 1 inch to our new system, but the full conversion of all meters is years down the road.
How can Westy Water help with determining my average water consumption?
Your monthly sewer charges are based on your average indoor water use billed January through March. Because virtually all of your indoor water use drains to the sewer system, indoor water consumption closely matches your sewer use. Tracking your water usage from January to March and reducing usage as needed can help lower your monthly sewer charges for the year.
How do I download my water data? Do I click the Green Button?
To download your water use data, click the “Export to Excel” button at the bottom left corner of the graph. The export will include data for the graph you’re currently viewing. For example, if you’re viewing the monthly graph, you’ll get monthly data. If you’re viewing the daily graph, you’ll get daily data.
The Green Button ( is a nationwide initiative to provide utility data to users in a standardized format across all utility types. This data is formatted in XML for use by computer programs.