Due to unforeseen circumstances, the July 2 Wards Advisory Committee Meeting has been canceled. The next meeting will take place Tuesday, July 9 from 5:30-8:30 p.m. at City Hall.

Homepage > Government > Budget > Adopted 2021 Budget

Adopted 2021 Budget

The City Council has adopted the City's 2021 Budget.

Due to projected revenue losses, the 2021 Budget was built utilizing the following measures to balance:

  • Administrative reductions;
  • Continuation of a strategic hiring plan;
  • Analysis of informal reserves;
  • Capital reductions;
  • Lines of business changes;
  • Review of fees and taxes; and
  • Utilization of reserves and use of any 2020 carryover.

While Council would normally adopt a two-year budget, earlier this year, Staff recommended and Council agreed that preparation of a one-year budget is the most appropriate and prudent course of action given the current situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic challenges that have accompanied this public health crisis.

City Council’s adoption of Emergency Ordinance 27 extended the deadline for the 2021 budget adoption until November 30. This extension allowed for additional input from residents, more financial analysis and extensive review by City Council in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Through both the pandemic and economic crises, Staff have successfully worked to ensure continuity of City operations, ensure the safety of the community, follow the City’s Vision, Mission, and Strategic Plan, and partner with and support local businesses and residents to render assistance where possible. And with the uncertainty of the pandemic and accompanying economic impacts in mind, the budget reflects a continued commitment to the welfare and well-being of the Westminster community, and it is a fiscal expression of our vision for the future that aligns with the Vision, Mission, and Strategic Plan.

The City expects this budget to be the beginning, not the end, of our budget work to ensure continued services to our community. We believe this budget will continue to change during 2021. Each month provides us with additional insight and trend as to whether there will be more or less revenue to run this great city.