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Welcome to all things water at the City of Westminster. We are committed to providing our community with high-quality and reliable water services now and into the future. The Public Works and Utility (PWU) department is responsible for treating up to 59 million gallons of water each day through our two water treatment facilities and distributed through about 554 miles of pipes to our homes and places of business. Additionally, our wastewater system treats over 7 million gallons of wastewater per day from 400 miles of pipe each year at our Big Dry Creek Wastewater Treatment Facility. Lastly, with our commitment to sustainability in mind, we have 120 reclaimed water sites, which make up over 1,100 irrigated acres. These sites can be found throughout the city in parks, golf courses, schools, sports fields, commercial properties and HOA common areas.

Below are links to learn about our drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater systems and infrastructure in addition to learning about how the City is looking ahead to protecting water for future generations. You can also find helpful information about paying your bill, pipe leaks, water main breaks, and drought planning.  


What's happening now:

Go paperless - Westy Water customer portal is here!

Westminster’s new customer portal offers residents the ability to monitor water consumption and receive emergency leak alerts via email. Current Paymentus account holders, who pay with an active credit card, will only need to update their password to access Westy Water. Learn more about the new customer portal and pay your water bill at westminsterco.gov/WestyWater.


Learn about our water utility:

The City of Westminster has provided its residents water since 1955. Prior to 1955, the City provided water for its residents solely from groundwater wells. As Westminster grew, so did our need for new forms of resource collection and allocation. In the 1960s, the City began negotiations about managing Standley Lake and securing its own water management. Today, we are proud to manage Standley Lake for our residents and our neighbors in Northglenn, Thornton, and the Farmers Reservoir and Irrigation Company. Click here to learn more about the history of water in Westminster.


We’re fortunate to be close to our drinking water source. The water we provide our residents comes from the snow pack in the Rocky Mountains along Loveland and Berthoud Pass on the east side of the Continental Divide. The melting snow in the spring and summer is surface water which flows into Clear Creek and then travels through three canal systems before it makes its way to Standley Lake. The lake stores up to 13 billion gallons of water, about half of which is owned by the City of Westminster. 


We have over 33,000 customers! In addition to City of Westminster residents and businesses, we also provide water to the City of Federal Heights, Shaw Heights, and parts of unincorporated Adams and Jefferson County. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

Breaks happen. Although frustrating, they are a normal part of water utility operation. Breaks can becaused by extreme temperature fluctuation between seasons, nearby constructionwork, or aging infrastructure. You may be experiencing a break if you arewithout water, experience a loss in water pressure, or your water isdiscolored. If you are without water or if you suspect a water or sewer break,please call 303-658-2500 day or night, 24/7. 
Water rates are determined through a collaborative process between our engineers and data scientists, city planners, and City Council. When assessing and designing rates, we consider our water supply, water infrastructure, and of course, making sure our water treatment is the highest quality possible. Paying your water bill is an investment to ensure water is clean, safe, and reliable today and for years to come. Learn more about how rates are determined here. Learn more about this year’s rates here

Watch here to learn more about water rates.

There are many ways you can pay your utility bill. For more information, visit our water bill payments page.

  • Online: Visit our online payment system, Westy Water

  • By phone: 303-658-2030

  • In person at City Hall
    Residents can pay their bills in person by visiting the cashier’s desk located inside the main entrance to City Hall at 4800 W. 92nd Ave.
    Business hours are Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
    Please remember to bring your bill.
  • City Hall Drop Box
    4800 W. 92nd Ave.
    On Curb – East of Building.
  • By mail:
    P.O. Box 17040
    Denver, CO 80217-0040

    Please include your payment stub.  Make checks payable to City of Westminster.
    **Please note that the USPS has increased their standard delivery time of first class mail, effective October 1, 2021. To ensure an on-time receipt of payment, please mail your check earlier than previously sent.

Check out the new customer portal - Westy Water

Westminster’s new customer portal offers residents the ability to monitor water consumption and receive emergency leak alerts via email. Current Paymentus account holders will only need to update their password to access Westy Water. Learn more here.

We understand that financial hardship happens, and we are here to support you. Income-qualified residents can apply for assistance online at www.westminsterco.gov/WaterBillAssistance. Please call 303-658-2392 if you have any questions.

Step 1: Determine If You Have A Leak

If you received a Possible Leak Alert postcard or letter, it means that your water meter registered continuous water use for 24 hours straight. Using water for 24 hours straight usually indicates that there is a leak, but continuous water use can be caused by other things like a swamp cooler or humidifier. 
Check the water bill to see if your consumption was higher than last month, or the same month of last year.

Step 2: Find And Fix The Leak

Leaks can be anywhere, but in our experience, the most common source of unknown leaks are toilets and sprinkler systems because they can leak without you realizing it. Check out the tips below to find and fix common leaks. 

Step 3: Apply For A Leak Credit

We get it. Leaks happen and the cost can add up. The city has a process in place to credit some of the costs incurred on your monthly water bill as a result of a leak. 

Some things to keep in mind:

  • Customers qualify for one leak credit billing adjustment per calendar year
  • Credit will reduce all excess charges to the Tier 1 rate
  • Credit application must be submitted within two months after leak occurred
  • Water usage must be 150% above your three-year average for the same time period
  • Leak must be fixed or the accidental use stopped
  • Credit will apply to a maximum of two bills
  • No credits to flat-rate customers (multi-family, irrigation customers)
Click here to apply for a leak credit.
Visit our leak page for more information
Click here to fill out an Access Westminster request under Water Information with your question and our team will get back to you.
Westminster’s goal during any snowstorm is to keep primary and secondary streets open and safe for the public. In addition, priorities are given to streets adjacent to hospitals, police, fire/rescue squad stations, schools, RTD bus routes and dangerous intersections, hills or curves on residential streets.

Residential streets only receive service if snow accumulations are greater than 8 inches and after the above priorities are addressed.

Want to know where your residential street or business fits in the city's snow removal routes? A new city map shows which streets are maintained by the city, Colorado Department of Transportation, Adams or Jefferson County or another municipal entity.

Current Projects:

A portion of your utility bill supports funding projects that maintain and improve our water systems for both drinking water and wastewater. These projects include replacing water meters with digital meters, installing new water and sewer mains under the ground, and repairs and updates to our treatment facilities. Below is a list of our active projects. To learn more, click on each project and sign up for their project updates.

Westminster Boulevard Drinking Water Project

Status: 60% Design 

The City has made significant progress on the future of water in Westminster. Over the past year, under City Council’s guidance, the City reevaluated options for Westminster’s new water treatment facility to better balance the need for clean, safe, and affordable water. Learn more about the right-sized water treatment facility here

Big Dry Creek Streambank Restoration Project:

Status: Construction

The City of Westminster is teaming up with the Mile High Flood District to improve Big Dry Creek’s water quality and flood management capabilities, and make it more resilient to intense storm runoff events. Together, we are repairing and stabilizing streambanks from 112th Avenue to Wadsworth Boulevard. This project will address Big Dry Creek’s stream instability, flood management, and maintenance needs. Years of urban runoff has led to steep, unsafe streambanks. This degradation is also approaching sewer pipes and trails, which need to be protected from further damage. Mitigating these risks will allow our community to continue safely enjoying activities along the Big Dry Creek for years to come.





Water News

Contact us:

Utility Billing Auto-Pay: 303-658-2030 (Available 24/7)

Utility Billing Customer Service: 303-658-2405 or Email: ub@westminsterco.gov

Water Bill Assistance: 303-658-2392

Water Breaks/Sewer Problems: 303-658-2500

Water Quality: 303-658-2461

After Hours Utility Emergencies: 303-658-2500 (Police Department Non-Emergency)



Still need assistance?

Visit Access Westminster, select water info and complete a request- we will address your concerns and questions.