Step 1: Determine If You Have A Leak
If you received a Possible Leak Alert postcard or letter, it means that your water meter registered continuous water use for 24 hours straight. Using water for 24 hours straight usually indicates that there is a leak, but continuous water use can be caused by other things like a swamp cooler or humidifier.
Check the water bill to see if your consumption was higher than last month, or the same month of last year.
Step 2: Find And Fix The Leak
Leaks can be anywhere, but in our experience, the most common source of unknown leaks are toilets and sprinkler systems because they can leak without you realizing it. Check out the tips below to find and fix common leaks.
Step 3: Phone An Expert
The City of Westminster and Resource Central have partnered to provide FREE troubleshooting support if you can't find that pesky leak.
These appointments are short phone calls with a water expert who will go over your water use history and help you identify the source of the leak. At the end of these calls, you will be provided with tips to fix the leak yourself, or if the leak will require a professional.
Schedule an appointment online or call 303-999-3820.
*This service is only for our residential customers because non-residential water uses tend to be much more complex. Non-residential customers may need a professional plumber or landscape maintenance firm to investigate leaks further.
Step 4: Apply For A Leak Credit
We get it. Leaks happen and the cost can add up. The city has a process in place to credit some of the costs incurred on your monthly water bill as a result of a leak.
Some things to keep in mind:
- Customers qualify for one leak credit billing adjustment per calendar year
- Credit will reduce all excess charges to the Tier 1 rate
- Credit application must be submitted within two months after leak occurred
- Water usage must be 150% above your three-year average for the same time period
- Leak must be fixed or the accidental use stopped
- Credit will apply to a maximum of two bills
- No credits to flat-rate customers (multi-family, irrigation customers)
here to apply for a leak credit.