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Participate in Meetings

***Please note, public comments submitted in writing may not be posted to the public website until after the meeting. City Council will receive them before the meeting begins. The city is working with the agenda vendor to improve the posting process.

Public Comment

Any member of the public who wishes to participate in the Public Comment portion of the meeting agenda (Section 5), may choose one of the following methods:

  1. Submit written comments in advance via email to PublicComment@westminsterco.gov by 12 p.m. (noon) the day of the meeting. Written comments are forwarded to the City Council after the deadline and become part of the permanent record. Written comments are not read aloud during the meeting.
  2. Leave verbal comments in advance by calling 303-706-3111 by 12 p.m. (noon) the day of the meeting. Recorded messages are limited to 3 minutes, and the system will disconnect automatically after the time limit is reached. All recorded messages are transcribed and attached to the agenda packet as part of the public record.
  3. Participate in person during the live City Council meetings. To speak in person, sign up is from 6:30 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. in City Hall’s lobby. No advanced registration for in-person comment is required or permitted. Each person is allowed 3 minutes to speak. 

Within one business day, City staff will follow up with commenters on questions or requests for information made during Public Comment at City Council meetings. Additionally, by majority vote the City Council may put the issue on a future meeting agenda for further review. 

Public Hearings

Any member of the public who wishes to participate in the Public Hearings portion of the meeting agenda (Section 10), may choose one of the following methods:

  1. Submit written comments in advance via email to the Public Hearing to publiccomment@westminsterco.gov  by 12 p.m. (noon) the day of the public hearing. Written comments are forwarded to the City Council after the deadline and become part of the permanent record. Written comments are not read aloud during the meeting.
  2. Leave verbal comments in advance by calling 303-706-3111 by 12 p.m. (noon) the day of the public hearing. Recorded messages are limited to 3 minutes, and the system will disconnect automatically after the time limit is reached. All recorded messages are transcribed and attached to the agenda packet as part of the public record.
  3. Participate in person during the live public hearing. To speak in person, sign up is from 6:30 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. in City Hall’s lobby. No advanced registration for in-person comment is required or permitted.

Participar in Reuniones

Translation Services

Persons needing an accommodation, such as an interpreter for another language, or who have an impairment that requires accommodation, must submit such a request to the City Clerk. Requests must be submitted no later than noon on the Thursday prior to the scheduled Council meeting to allow adequate time to make arrangements. Please call 303-658-2161/TTY711 or State Relay or write to cityclerk@cityofwestminsterco.gov to make a reasonable accommodation request.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact the City Clerk's Office at 303-658-2161 or cityclerk@westminsterco.gov