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Westy Water


Westy Water—Westminster’s water utility customer portal

To access Westy Water and pay your utility bill

click here

*Please use Google Chrome if you experience any issues clicking the link* 

Westminster's customer portal offers residents and customers the ability to monitor water consumption and receive emergency leak alerts via email. You'll be able to compare past water consumption, pay your water bill, and learn about water efficiency programs that could help you save water and money.

Download the mobile app

If you're on your desktop computer, scan the QR code below with your smartphone to download the app. 

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Need help registering? We’re here to assist you!

Here are some resources to help you get started:



Quick links to help you log in and start using Westy Water:


For security purposes, current Paymentus account holders will need to update their password to access Westy Water. Learn more about how to make this update here.





Here are some of the ways to use Westy Water

Data Dashboard

The data dashboard allows customers to view their current month’s water bill in comparison to the same month of last year in a friendly, visual dashboard.


Secure Billing And Payments

Track billing history, set bill payment alerts, and make bill payments online.


Receive Leak Alerts

Automatic emergency email notifications when a potential leak is detected at your home or business.


Monitor Usage

View your hourly, daily, and monthly water consumption to identify ways to conserve water and save money.



Below are some frequently asked questions  

For questions regarding your water utility bill, please contact Utility Billing:

By phone: 303-658-2405

By email: ub@westminsterco.gov

In person: Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at City Hall 

How can I change personal information on my profile, such as email, phone or mailing address? 
In the Account menu, the Profile tab will allow you to update your username, password, phone, email address, and mailing address anytime.

How can I update my billing address? 
You will need to email Utility Billing at ub@westminsterco.govor call 303-658-2405 to update your billing address.

Can I send notifications to multiple emails, including on guest accounts? 
You can set each notification type to be sent to up to two different email addresses within an account. In the Account menu, select Notification Preferences to update how you receive notifications. You can turn a notification on or off by clicking the On/Off button in the right corner. Add an email address you want to receive that notification and check the box on the left. For customers with multiple accounts, notifications must be set for each account.

How do I change my password? 
Under the Account tab, select My Profile to update your password. Edit your password by selecting the pencil icon. 

What if I forget my password? 
On the login screen of Westy Water, select Forgot Password to reset your password. City of Westminster staff do not have access to your password. 

Do I need to create a new password in Westy Water? 

For security purposes, former Paymentus customers that have been migrated into Westy Water will need to create a new password. For support creating a new password, please view the Paymentus user migration instruction sheet.

How will I know my information is safe?
Personal data is classified as confidential and shall not be shared with anyone. Our Privacy Policy is linked at the bottom of every page. 

Can I find out what type of water user I am compared to my neighbor? 
No. Each resident’s water use is private, but you can use our Water Use and Alerts instruction sheet to compare your water use with community-wide average water use values.  

I am using Safari and when I click to view my data, nothing shows up.  

Make sure your pop-up blocker is turned off. Some of our customers using Safari as a browser have reported being unable to see pop-up boxes on Westy Water because the pop-up blocker was not disabled. If your pop-up blocker is turned on, information boxes will not appear. Please follow your browser’s instructions for disabling pop-ups.   

How can I change my saved payment method?
Under the Account tab, select Payment Information to add or edit a payment method. To edit an existing payment method, click the three dots in the right corner and select Edit. If you wish to remove that payment method, select Remove. 

For more support, please view the “Add Payment Method” instruction sheet

How can I set up or stop an auto payment? 
Under the Billing tab, select Auto Payment to set up or stop an auto payment. If you are setting up an auto payment for the first time, you can choose to enroll in a monthly fixed amount or pay your full balance due every month. 

What is the difference between a monthly fixed payment and auto pay? 
Both are forms of autopayment. A monthly fixed payment is a dollar amount that you can set along with the day the payment is withdrawn. If not set up properly, monthly fixed payments can result in late fees. Automatic bill payment or auto pay is when the full amount of the bill is paid on the due date or up to 10 days in advance without any prompting needed from you. 

Will my auto payment date stay the same after the transition to Westy Water? 
Yes, all saved payment methods that are active (credit/debit cards and bank accounts) and auto payment schedules will be transferred over to Westy Water automatically with no interruption to payments. 

How do I look up my payment history? 
Under the Billing tab, select Billing & Payment History. To view a monthly statement, click on the month you wish to view and click the View your Detailed Bill PDF link.

How do I sign up for paperless billing?
Under the Account tab, select My Profile. Scroll down to My Service Addresses, where accounts linked to your user profile are saved. Click the three dots in the corner of the service address you want to sign up for paperless billing and select Enroll in Paperless. You can unenroll in paperless billing by selecting Unenroll in Paperless. 

How quickly do changes to my payment method update?
Changes to your payment methods update immediately

How can I invite another user to access my account (e.g., tenant, landlord, property manager)?
You may invite a guest or property manager to view and operate your account(s) for a defined period of time. It’s up to the water customer to decide which role to assign a user. You can always edit or cancel an existing guest user in your account settings. 

In the My Account menu, navigate to the Guest User tab and click Invite User. An invitation will be sent to the guest user with a link that is valid for 24 hours. A guest user cannot invite other users.

What is the difference between a property manager or guest account? 
Guest user access allows a guest to access the account in a limited, read-only capacity. Property manager access allows your guest to have full control of the account, including changing payment methods and adjusting notification preferences. 

How do I set up a guest account? 
In the Account tab, select Guest User from the menu. You can invite a user by clicking the Invite User box. In the box that pops up, select the account (address)  you want to provide access to a guest user. Enter their name and assign either Guest User or Property Manager access. Enter their email address and assign an access period. Once you agree to the Terms and Conditions, select Submit.

How do I revoke guest access? 
You can revoke Guest User access at any time by clicking the three dots in the corner of their profile. Select Remove to revoke access. 

I no longer live in Westminster. How do I deactivate my account? 
Your account will be deleted automatically two years after you are no longer a City of  Westminster customer.

If I have more than one account, how do I navigate between accounts? 
In the upper righthand corner of most pages, you’ll see a dropdown menu titled Select Account. You will see all of your account numbers listed, along with an address to help you identify your accounts. Select the account you want to change.

How do I view my hourly water consumption?

Under the Usage tab, select Usage Overview. You should see a graph with your water usage, which shows your monthly usage by default. Hover your mouse over the bars to see a detailed view of your usage. To view your hourly and daily usage, select those options above the graph or double-click on a bar.  View our Water Use and Alerts instruction sheet to learn more about viewing water use.

How can I tell if there is a leak?
Observe the daily water use patterns at your home or business to see what’s normal for your account. If you observe activity that seems much higher than your normal water usage, or record continuous water use for more than 24 hours, you may have a leak. View our Water Use and Alerts instruction sheet to see what is considered typical household water use.

How do I set up leak alerts?
Under the Account tab, select Notification Preferences. Click Leak Alert and enter an email address. Ensure that the box to the left is checked and notifications are turned on. For customers with multiple accounts, notifications must be set for each account.

When will a leak alert be sent? 
If your meter registers continuous water use for 24 hours straight, you will receive a leak alert. Continuous water use usually indicates a leak, but swamp coolers, humidifiers, and normal business operations may also contribute to continuous water use.

What should I do if I have a leak? 
First, you will need to find and fix the leak. The most common sources of unknown leaks are toilets and sprinkler systems. To learn more about handling leaks and recommendations for next steps, please visit our leak webpage

What if I have a water emergency or my meter lid is missing?
If you are experiencing a water emergency or notice that your meter lid is missing, call 303-658-2500.

I’m a residential customer. Why can’t I see my hourly usage? 
Our meters transmit hourly usage through a radio signal. If your hourly usage isn’t registering, check whether something is blocking the meter signal from being read. Common causes of blocked meter signals include installing landscaping or sod over meters, blocking them with trash cans, or parking on them. In some instances, meter radios and wires may be damaged by lawn mowing or snow being plowed into them. If your meter is clear and you still cannot see your hourly usage, call 303-658-2500.

I’m a commercial customer or customer that lives in an apartment. Why can’t I see my hourly usage? 
Our meter system that reads hourly usage is only set up for 1-inch and 3/4-inch meters. Some commercial meters or meters that are used for large residential buildings like apartments are 1.5-inch and larger. We have begun converting commercial meters larger than 1 inch to our new system, but the full conversion of all meters is years down the road. 

How can Westy Water help with determining my average water consumption? 
Your monthly sewer charges are based on your average indoor water use billed January through March. Because virtually all of your indoor water use drains to the sewer system, indoor water consumption closely matches your sewer use. Tracking your water usage from January to March and reducing usage as needed can help lower your monthly sewer charges for the year.   

How do I download my water data? Do I click the Green Button? 

To download your water use data, click the “Export to Excel” button at the bottom left corner of the graph. The export will include data for the graph you’re currently viewing. For example, if you’re viewing the monthly graph, you’ll get monthly data. If you’re viewing the daily graph, you’ll get daily data.

The Green Button (https://www.greenbuttondata.org/) is a nationwide initiative to provide utility data to users in a standardized format across all utility types. This data is formatted in XML for use by computer programs.