Due to unforeseen circumstances, the July 2 Wards Advisory Committee Meeting has been canceled. The next meeting will take place Tuesday, July 9 from 5:30-8:30 p.m. at City Hall.

Active Teams & Projects

Smart Cities I-Team
As a “Smart City”, Westminster makes informed decisions through better designed systems using technology to provide an increased knowledge of everyday city operations through transparent and user-friendly interfaces. The City of Westminster in partnership with this team is a connected and innovative city that implements cutting edge technology to enhance the everyday life of its residents.

We are not about chasing the newest shiny piece of technology for technologies sake. We work through the innovative decision-making process to define problems from a human centric approach, the technology piece is just the icing on the cake. Some of our current projects include:

Autonomous Vehicle Food Transportation - in partnership with EasyMile, US Ignite and Growing Home, this 30-day project transported more than 150,000 pounds of donated food from the MAC Recreation Center to the Growing Home Food Pantry. Click here for more about the launch event June 11, 2020.

Digital Street Mapping Project - utilizing technology from Trimble the City is mapping all bus stop assets to assess future capital improvement needs to better serve the community.

Standley Lake Water Measurement Project in partnership with Divirod the city is evaluating new technology to see if it will more accurately measure the water surface elevation in the lake, which could make management of raw water supplies more efficient.

Hydropower - could the City of Westminster retrofit a part of its already vast network of drinking water and sewage pipes with turbines capable of producing hydropower? It is an enticing question that a diverse team of City engineers is evaluating in partnership with Colorado Smart Cities Alliance and Arrow Electronics.

Future Revenue Horizon Team
This work group is now focused on researching and suggesting new forms of revenue generation the City will want to consider to help diversify its income streams.

Workspace Horizon Team
This work group is focused on completing a master plan of future office and workspace needs of the City’s workforce based on program demands and remote working opportunities.

Utility Disconnects Horizon Team
Pre-COVID-19, this cross-department work group conducted a formal innovation process and implemented several recommendations as a result to address the challenge of rising water disconnections within the City. POST-Covid 19 this work group will monitor the impact of the new initiatives that have been implemented and make Phase 2 recommendations as needed.

Business Partnership I-Team
This work group is launching an Executive Think Tank that will define the future of how our city engages with its primary employers for the benefit of our residents and business stakeholders. We believe that fostering a deeper connection between all City stakeholders will yield important advances in creating a more sustainable, resilient, and accessible future.  We will achieve this through:

  • Delivering on innovative engagements that pair City Vision and Corporate ingenuity to solve challenges that propel the economy forward
  • Fostering connections between the City and Business Leadership to establish organic continuous improvement lifecycles
  • By listening to our business leaders to map real problems to real, meaningful solutions.

Continuous Improvement I-Team
The Continuous Improvement (CI) Team supports the organization’s need to be accountable and responsible for effective and efficient business practices. We provide consulting services to teams who are interested in improving processes, adding value for the customer, reducing waste, and building employee skills and organizational capacity. Process improvement honors existing work and builds upon what has already been done. CI team members serve as coaches and facilitators; the employees we partner with perform the improvements and innovations in their workgroup. Improvements are typically achieved without adding staff, budget funding or technology. 

Data Management and Analytics I-Team
The City of Westminster’s data is one of its most valuable assets and will serve as the bedrock of performance management programs that will allow us to insure continuous improvement. Reliable data can facilitate inter-department collaboration, improve partnerships with the private sector, and help expand public engagement. The Data Management and Analytics Committee assists the City organization in defining, delivering, and interpreting data to make informed data driven decisions, measure performance effectively based on key performance indicators and predict outcomes as well as extract meaningful insights to accelerate business/culture initiatives inside our organization.

Internal Culture and Education I-Team
A culture of continuous learning is vital to an organization that strives to be innovative. The goal of the Internal Culture and Education Committee is to create an environment where innovation and thinking differently is how we operate. This committee focuses on how we can help employees think differently about how they deliver service and perform their roles in the organization.  At the heart of this is creating a culture where new ideas are welcomed, and where failure is embraced. This work group has led the way in launching a multi-day workshop available to all staff members that teaches Lean, Agile and Six Sigma process improvement techniques. 

Bloomberg Training Grant
The City of Westminster was selected by Bloomberg Philanthropies to work with one of its coaches and coordinators to take a cross-department group of 12 City staff members through a year-long planning process focused on a community challenge that is now focused on COVID-recovery. This group plans to pilot a project in the 4 th quarter of 2020.

WestyRISE Neighborhood Recovery Initiative
The City of Westminster is working with CU Denver’s CityCenter, Inworks, and the Center for Local Government to connect with its residents as co-producers to their most pressing problems. This initiative is connecting city hall and its leadership to residents in a way that is not currently being utilized in order to create opportunities for community engagement -- neighborhood by neighborhood. The initiative will result in positive impact on specific neighborhood issues that deal with economic, social, health, public safety, and environmental challenges by strengthening the relationship between government, resident and community.