Due to unforeseen circumstances, the July 2 Wards Advisory Committee Meeting has been canceled. The next meeting will take place Tuesday, July 9 from 5:30-8:30 p.m. at City Hall.

“It Takes All of Us”
Westminster Residents – We Need Your Suggestions
June 30, 2020 - July 24, 2020

To submit ideas, visit: cityofwestminster.ideascale.com

The City of Westminster is focused on deepening democracy, building stronger communities, and creating a more equitable distribution of public resources.

We Need Your Suggestions About:
A first step in reaching these goals is to invite ideas from the community about how to solve some of the big challenges the City is facing – COVID-19 related and more.

What’s the Process?
To submit ideas, visit: cityofwestminster.ideascale.com 

Once registered with a valid email address, you can submit as many ideas as desired between June 30, 2020 and July 24, 2020.
You will also be able to vote on your favorite ideas that others have submitted.

Helpful Tips:
Please refer to www.westminsterco.gov to see if the City is currently working on the challenge and solutions that you’re thinking about.

  • Be as specific as possible about why you think this challenge is important for the City to address.
  • If you are able to, please consider the budget impact and any other potential organizations with whom the City could partner with to help solve your particular challenge.

What Happens with the Idea(s) I Submit?
A team of innovators will evaluate suggestions and work with City leadership to potentially budget the financial resources needed for implementation. Final recommendations may be included in the proposed 2021 budget. The City’s Policy and Budget Department planning process starts in mid-June and will conclude with a presentation to Council in August 2020 to include ideas from residents.

Why Your Ideas Are Important
“The City’s promise during this campaign will be to elevate the prioritized ideas we receive to a team of innovators who will help design solutions and work with City leadership to potentially budget the financial resources needed to implement them. “We believe every resident has important suggestions for us to consider, whether it’s related to the health of our community or another challenge, and we invite each person to suggest as many ideas as he or she wants, and in turn, we will review each idea with careful intent.”
Gregg Moss, Innovation Coordinator

“The Policy and Budget Department is looking forward to finding an additional way to engage the community and invite feedback about the budget. This new initiative is designed to establish a feedback system that is inclusive, realistic about expectations, and produces actionable results that can be communicated easily and transparently back to the community. I look forward to seeing the recommendations from our residents.”
Larry Dorr, Deputy City Manager/Chief Financial Officer