Due to unforeseen circumstances, the July 2 Wards Advisory Committee Meeting has been canceled. The next meeting will take place Tuesday, July 9 from 5:30-8:30 p.m. at City Hall.

Water/Sewer Tap Fees

Multi-Family Plumbing Data Sheet

Commercial Plumbing Data Sheet

Please be aware that payment of tap fees are required at the time the Building Permit is issued. If the building use changes in the future, tap fees will be recalculated and additional tap fees may be due. Be sure to install and activate water meters as soon as possible to lock in the tap fee.

Tap fees are charged to new constructions to cover costs related to its impact on the city’s utilities. Current customers do not pay tap fee.

Westminster’s water tap fee includes the following components:

The Infrastructure or Treated Water Investment Fee is set to recover an equitable portion of the value of the city’s infrastructure required to meet the demand of the new customer.  The infrastructure includes all components of the utility system required to divert, treat and distribute water to customers. Infrastructure tap fees are calculated based on fixture count and resulting meter size, which is the best determination of projected peak demand on the infrastructure system.

The Water Resources Fee is set to recover the value of the city’s water supplies developed to meet the demand of the new customer. Water resources are calculated in terms of Service Commitments (SC). One SC is equal to 140,000 gallons of annual use. Multiples of service commitments are purchased based on a projected volume of use.

Contact Information:

Drew Beckwith, 303-658-2386,dbeckwit@westminsterco.gov