Due to unforeseen circumstances, the July 2 Wards Advisory Committee Meeting has been canceled. The next meeting will take place Tuesday, July 9 from 5:30-8:30 p.m. at City Hall.

What is a Concept Plan Review?

The Concept Plan Review process is the second step in the development review process for projects that are subject to City Council approval. The purpose of the Concept Plan Review is to provide applicants an opportunity to present a development concept to the City Council and receive initial comment and feedback. Concept plan reviews do not include a public hearing and no public comment is taken. Comments received from the City Council are intended to identify any initial concerns and help guide the applicant in the creation of plans for technical review. Comments, suggestions, or recommendations made by City Council members on any Concept Plan are entirely gratuitous and do not bind or otherwise obligate City Staff, the Planning Commission, nor the City Council to any course of conduct or decision after an applicant makes an official submittal of a development plan to the City for technical review.

When is a concept review required?

Upon completion of the Pre-application Review, and prior to the submittal of plans for technical review of PDP, PDP amendments, ODP, or ODP amendments, projects that require quasi-judicial approval by the City Council are required to complete the Concept Plan Review process. Projects that are subject to administrative review are typically not required to complete the Concept Plan Review process. However, the City Manager may require a Concept Plan Review for any project if it the plan proposes significant deviations from the City Code or administrative policies; will result in significant traffic, high water demand, visual, noise, odor, or other impact on neighboring properties; or is determined that the review is otherwise in the interest of the general public.

Concept Review Submittal Process

It’s easy! Just let the City Staff member who managed your pre-application review know that you intend to proceed to Concept Plan Review. The Concept Plan Review is held at a City Council Study Session. The process may take approximately seven weeks to complete depending on meeting schedules.

What materials are required for Concept Review?

A scaled plan that illustrates the development proposal for a specific property, including but not limited to: lot lines, building footprints and square footage, building elevations, proposed uses, landscape areas and buffers, circulation, parking, site access, service areas, and the identification of potentially sensitive design issues. The relationship of the proposed development to existing, surrounding developments should also be illustrated.

What is the fee for Concept Review?

The current adopted fee is $550.00 multiplied by the square root of the acreage of the site, with a minimum fee of $550.00. For example, a 4-acre site would have a fee of $1,100.00.

Concept Plan Review Public Notice

The applicant is responsible for public notification of the Concept Plan Review. This is performed in accordance with Section 11-5-13, W.M.C. and will include mailed notice, newspaper notice, and sign posting on the property.

What to Expect

At the Study Session, the Concept Plan Review will be introduced by City Staff with a brief overview presentation. Next, the applicant will present the Concept Plan to the City Council using a PowerPoint presentation. The presentation should be no more than 10 slides and should take no more than 10 minutes. Upon completion of the presentation, the City Council will provide comments and may ask questions. The applicant may be asked to respond to questions and comments. And that’s it; the applicant may now proceed to prepare a development plan submittal for technical review!