In observance of Labor Day, all City administrative offices will be closed Monday, September 2, 2024. For a full list of facility closures, please click here.

In observance of Labor Day, all City administrative offices will be closed Monday, September 2, 2024. For a full list of facility closures, please click here.


This project aims to build and support a healthy and thriving habitat for our native plants and animals. The first step is to remove the noxious and invasive tree species. Alive and dead trees will strategically remain for future habitat restoration and nesting. This project will plant and establish hundreds of trees, thousands of native shrubs and plants, build a wetland area, and establish pollinator corridors.

Planting will happen in two phases: 

  1. The first phase of planting will establish grasses, sedges, rushes, and trees along the banks.
  2. The second phase will establish shrubs and pollinator species near the banks and trails.

Below is a list of plant species that will be established along the Big Dry Creek.

Riverbank plants: 

  • Alkali Bulrush
  • Clustered Field Sedge
  • Creeping Spikerush
  • Emory Sedge
  • Fowl Mannagrass
  • Inland Saltgrass
  • Mountain Rush
  • Nebraska Sedge
  • Nodding Wild Onion
  • Prairie Cordgrass
  • Torrey's Rush
  • Woolly Sedge


  • Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry
  • Chokecherry
  • Coyote Willow
  • Narrowleaf Cottonwood
  • Peachleaf Willow
  • Plains Cottonwood
  • Ponderosa Pine
  • Rocky Mountain Juniper
  • Western Hackberry


  • Apache Plume
  • Cerro Hawthorn
  • Common Snowberry
  • Fernbush
  • Fourwing Saltbush
  • Fringed Sage
  • Leadplant
  • Native Ninebark
  • Oregon Grape Holly
  • Plains Yucca
  • Rabbit Brush
  • Redosier Dogwood
  • Saskatoon Serviceberry
  • Skunkbush
  • Tall Western Sage
  • Wax Currant
  • Waxflower
  • Western Sandcherry
  • Western Thimbleberry
  • Wild Prairie Rose
  • Winterfat


  • Apache Plume
  • Black Eyed Susan
  • Blue Flax
  • Blue Grama Grass
  • Chocolate Flower
  • Gayfeather
  • Indian Grass
  • Leadplant
  • Narrow-Leaved Purple Coneflower
  • Native Blanket Flower
  • Native Lavender Bee Balm
  • Rocky Mountain Penstemon
  • Showy Fleabane
  • Smoky Hills Skullcap
  • Upright Prairie Coneflower
  • Yarrow

For more details, including scientific name, quantity of each plant, and the mix of plant types, please view the PDFs belo: