Expect to see traffic delays in the area of West 136th Avenue, Orchard Parkway and North Huron Street as the city installs new sewer pipe in the area.
Construction at the intersection of West 136th Ave and Orchard Parkway is anticipated to start the week of February 15 and lanes will be reduced.
“The existing sewer pipe is old, in poor condition and approaching its capacity,” said Project Manager Andy Walsh. “We are working hard to minimize impacts for nearby customers and traffic while we work to ensure safe, reliable service now and into the future.”
The $16 million sewer replacement project is funded by the Westminster Economic Development Authority's North Huron Urban Renewal Authority. Ratepayer funds are not being used.
In early January, crews began construction of the new sewer pipe in Orchard Parkway near the wastewater treatment facility at West 132nd Avenue and North Huron Street. Work is currently progressing north to West 136th Avenue.
Active construction is also progressing from Orchard Parkway west toward North Huron Street.
Learn more about the project at www.westminsterco.gov/northhuronsewer.
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