Due to unforeseen circumstances, the July 2 Wards Advisory Committee Meeting has been canceled. The next meeting will take place Tuesday, July 9 from 5:30-8:30 p.m. at City Hall.

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Our water future starts now

Water 2025 is a long-term planning project to replace the city's aging Semper Water Treatment Facility by 2025 and ensure high-quality drinking water for our community now and into the future.



Why Water 2025?

Our safe and reliable drinking water system is one of Westminster’s greatest assets. We are fortunate to enjoy a high-quality water supply originating in the Rocky Mountains. As Westminster and all of the Front Range continues to grow, we need to responsibly plan for the needs of future generations so our children can enjoy the same quality of life we do today. 

Like any complex system, Westminster’s water distribution system requires continuous maintenance and planned upgrades. As Westminster’s current drinking water system continues to age, it becomes more expensive to maintain and increasingly vulnerable to threats posed by drought and wildfire. 

Why is a new treatment facility needed?

Semper Water Treatment Facility has served the Westminster community faithfully for almost 50 years and has the ability to continue providing high-quality drinking water for 15 to 20 more years. However, as Semper nears the end of its planned lifecycle, the city must begin proactively planning for a new drinking water treatment facility to meet the needs of our current and future generations who rely on this essential public service.

A new drinking water facility using advanced new technology will provide: 

  • Greater resiliency in times of challenging treatment, such as a wildfire in our watershed.
  • Greater flexibility to adapt to changing regulatory standards.
  • Greater security to address future shortages in our water supply.
  • Greater opportunities for environmental sustainability and resource stewardship.


Based on the results of a fact-based and community-engaged process, City Council approved a resolution to pursue acquisition of the recommended site near 98th Avenue and Westminster Boulevard in July 2019.

Design Working Group

The city is currently working with a community advisory group called the Design Working Group comprised of Westminster community members to gather input on the appearance and construction management of the new drinking water treatment plant. This group first met in February 2020 and will meet several times through 2021 in addition to broader community engagement planned for the end of 2020 through 2021. The goal of WATER 2025 community engagement is for neighbors to see the final site as an integral part of their neighborhood. You can find more information about the Design Working Group here. 

Project Schedule

Water 2025 began in early 2018 with the goal of identifying the best location for the city’s new drinking water treatment facility by early 2019.  Now that a site is selected, the following design and construction phases will aim to have the new facility completed by late 2025.

The Water 2025 team will conduct extensive community outreach throughout the process in order to identify priorities that respect and reflect your goals and vision for our city.

