Taskforce Purpose
The Standley Lake Boating Taskforce (SLBT) will evaluate options for restoring trailered boats to the lake without compromising the quality of the water.
Taskforce Objective
The primary objective of the SLBT is to work collaboratively to address issues of concern (primarily zebra and quagga mussels (ZQM)), associated with the trailered boat program at Standley Lake; resulting in a broader support for decisions involving trailered boats and water quality.
- Identify possible solutions that meet the request to continue trailer boating on Standley Lake while also protecting water quality.
- Fully vet each possible solution to identify any possible shortfall in the proposed system including identification of ways that the system could be circumvented or ways that a technical issue might result in accidental exposure of the lake to ZQM.
- Identify solutions to address identified shortfalls.
- Understand and evaluate operational and cost issues that could result from each proposed program.
- Understand and evaluate implementation issues that could result from proposed program.
- View the Taskforce's Memorandum of Understanding.
Taskforce meetings are open for the public to listen, however they are not intended to be interactive with the audience. These meetings are a time for the taskforce to interact and conduct business with each other.
Meetings will be recorded and available online. Timely updates will be provided to council.
Weekly Updates - Starting Monday, July 8, weekly updates will be posted here.
Meeting Agendas
Meeting Notes
Meeting Recordings
Documents from Friends of Standley Lake
Solutions Directed to City Staff
Misc. Handouts from Staff
Report to City Council
Updates on Tagging Protocols
Updates from Colorado Parks & Wildlife
Updates from the National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA)