Due to unforeseen circumstances, the July 2 Wards Advisory Committee Meeting has been canceled. The next meeting will take place Tuesday, July 9 from 5:30-8:30 p.m. at City Hall.

photo credit

NOTICE: The 2020 Rocky Mountain Youth Summit is postponed until further notice.

YOUR VOICE. YOUR IDEAS. Join the conversation

Join the conversation at the third annual Rocky Mountain Youth Summit. Share YOUR voice!

The Rocky Mountain Youth Summit provides teens and youths with an opportunity to discuss and learn about everyday issues in their community with their peers. Build confidence, complete a service project, and become a better leader!

Denver Marriott Westminster

7000 Church Ranch Boulevard

2020 Topics:   Community Involvement   |   Educational Leadership   |   Teen Lightning Talks


Registration Form


About the Youth Advisory Panel

The Westminster Youth Advisory Panel is made up of two or more representatives from local area high schools as well as "at large" members who are home schooled within our city. Our purpose is to advise City Council and city staff members about matters that concern youth and teens in our city today. These matters include development of citywide community and/or neighborhood programs that address both the short- and long-term needs of Westminster's youth and teen population. In addition to advising city leaders, we give back to our community by taking part in community service projects, which consist of food and clothing drives and running city events, as well as other projects. To join, fill out the application below:

The Youth Advisory Panel Application

agenda (not finalized)

8-8:30 am                     Check-in 

8:30-9 am                     Breakfast Meet-and-Greet

9-9:30 am                     Welcome from the Mayor and Youth Advisory Panel

9:30-10 am                   Keynote Speaker 

10-10:10am                  Break 

10:15-10:45 am            Zumba/Movie Activity

10:45- 11:15 am            Speaker 2

11:15-12 pm                   Service Project

12-1 pm                         Lunch 

1-1:30 pm                      Teen Lightning Talks (5 min presentations)

1:30-2 pm                     Closing & short activity


Marriott Westminster
7000 Church Ranch Blvd.
Westminster, CO 80021


For further information about the Rocky Mountain Youth Summit or the Westminster Youth Advisory Panel, please contact: 

kjacobse@westminsterco.gov, kdelgado@westminsterco.gov