Due to unforeseen circumstances, the July 2 Wards Advisory Committee Meeting has been canceled. The next meeting will take place Tuesday, July 9 from 5:30-8:30 p.m. at City Hall.

Homepage > Government > City Council > Bruce Baker - Councillor

Bruce Baker - Councillor

Term expires: November 2023

Bruce Baker

Invitations for the councillor to attend special events: If you wish to invite the councillor to attend an event, please work with City staff who can assist with scheduling. Please do not contact the councillor directly for invitations to special events.

For the most expedient response, please submit your request via Access Westminster. You may also call the City Manager's Office directly at 303-658-2006 or by USPS mail. Please address your correspondence to:

City Manager's Office
4800 W. 92nd Ave.
Westminster, CO  80031

Councillor Bruce Baker was elected to the City Council in November 2021. Mr. Baker has previously served on Westminster City Council, 2013-17.  

Councillor Baker is or has been the Westminster’s representative or alternate to the Rocky Flats Stewardship Organization and to DRCOG.  He is a past participant of both the Westminster Police Citizen Academy and the Westminster Fire Citizen Academy.  Mr. Baker was an active participant in the Westminster Petition Recall effort of 2020 and a plaintiff in the 17th Judicial District Court proceedings of 2021 which found Westminster had deprived 6,000 Westminster voters of their constitutional voting rights.  The Court ordered the five-month deprivation of rights ended.  

Councillor Baker is a graduate of Lakewood Colorado High School, the University of Colorado School of Pharmacy and of the US Army Infantry School, Officer Basic Course at Ft. Benning, Georgia. Mr. Baker has been awarded several different professional certifications and recognitions. 

Councillor Baker is married and has three children and six grandchildren. With his spouse, they designed and built their house in Westminster in 1995.  He was on Active Duty with the US Army for three years and practiced Retail Pharmacy for 38 years.  He is the co-author of the research paper The Empty Promise and Untold Cost of Urban Renewal in Colorado (2016), several opinion essays and many Letters to the Editor. He unsuccessfully ran for Mayor in 2017 and Council Member in 2019.