Due to unforeseen circumstances, the July 2 Wards Advisory Committee Meeting has been canceled. The next meeting will take place Tuesday, July 9 from 5:30-8:30 p.m. at City Hall.

Homepage > Government > Departments > Community Services > Develop in Westminster > Development Application Moratorium > Developer Moratorium FAQS

Developer Moratorium FAQS

My project has an approved Preliminary Development Plan (PDP) and Official Development Plan (ODP).  How does this moratorium impact me?
Building permit issuance is when the city’s commitment to sewer service is established. An approved PDP/ODP entitles land to specific uses, but it does not in itself guarantee sewer service. The city will work with development partners to find creative ways to minimize and/or offset impacts that potential projects may have on the BDCIS.  

I have applied for a PDP, PDP Amendment, ODP or ODP Amendment, what is the next step?
A majority of new development applications for PDPs or ODPs have been factored into the city sewer modeling for the BDCIS.  Applicants may proceed with the city’s normal development review process for land use entitlements associated with these PDPs or ODPs.  

I have requested a pre-application meeting and/or I have not yet submitted a new development application. How do I proceed?
Any request for a pre-application meeting received before enactment of the moratorium will be honored and applicants will be able to pursue applications for new development. Developers who have already fulfilled their pre-application requirements and are pursuing new development applications will be able to proceed with the entitlement process. An applicant must submit a complete application for a PDP or ODP within six (6) months of a pre-application meeting or they will be subject to the moratorium.  

I am pursuing a tenant-finish or tenant-improvement application associated with new use of existing space. How do I proceed with the moratorium in place?
As types of building permit applications, the city will evaluate these on a first-come, first-served basis as capacity of the BDCIS allows. The city will request higher efficiency fixtures and conservation measures to help offset impacts to the BDCIS. 

How is the city proceeding considering the constraints on the BDCIS?
The city has initiated significant pre-design activities through a contracted consultant. The city anticipates development of several scenarios with varying costs and considerations that would be presented for consideration in approximately nine (9) months. Design and construction of identified improvements would occur following decisions on a path forward. A several-year construction period is anticipated. The city has also established a task force to implement incremental “short-term” solutions where possible to manage capacity for the BDCIS. 

 How will the city decide what projects currently in process move forward to actual construction?
Actual construction of projects will be evaluated at the building permit stage on a first-come, first-served basis as capacity of the BDCIS allows.