Due to unforeseen circumstances, the July 2 Wards Advisory Committee Meeting has been canceled. The next meeting will take place Tuesday, July 9 from 5:30-8:30 p.m. at City Hall.

Frequently Asked Questions

The purpose of the FAQ is to clarify the application process and requirements for Right-of-Way (ROW) Permits. The below identify questions and answers that typically arise during the ROW Permit application process.

What is a ROW Permit?

A ROW Permit allows construction and traffic control work to be performed in the City-owned right of way or easements.

Can anyone apply for a ROW Permit?

No. Only a Class D Public Way Contractor can apply for and be issued a ROW permit.

Does my State License or my License from another jurisdiction work for ROW permits?

No. You must be a Class D Public Way Contractor with the City of Westminster.

How do I become a Class D Public Way Contractor?

The requirements and application process to become a Class D Public Way Contractor can be found on our website: www.westminsterco.gov/rowpermits

Do I need to go to City Hall to apply for a ROW permit?

No. All ROW permits are applied for and processed online through the eTRAKiT portal: develop.westminsterco.gov/etrakit

How long does it take to get a ROW permit after it has been applied for?

The review process on ROW permits can take up to 14 City Business Days depending on complexity and current workload.

How long is an approved ROW permit valid for?

ROW permits are valid for nine (9) months.

What happens if my ROW Permit expires, but I’m now ready to beginning work?

If your ROW Permit is expired due to inactivity, you will need to apply for a new permit. 

I am performing surveying work in the ROW. Do I need a ROW Permit?

No. However, if you need to set up traffic control for the survey work, you will need a ROW Permit.

Do I need to have a preconstruction meeting prior to beginning work?

No. Once the ROW permit is issued, you may begin work.

Does the City of Westminster allow ROW work on the weekends?

In most cases, no. However, under special circumstances and with prior approval, some weekend work may be allowed. Weekend work is required to be requested in writing. Requests can be submitted to rowpermits@westminsterco.gov for approval on a case-by-case basis.