Transportation Management Associations/Organizations (TMAs/TMOs) are a great resource providing residents information about available transportation options including carpooling as well as encouraging walking, biking, and taking transit.
TMAs/TMOs practice transportation demand management strategies that encourage changes in travel behavior resulting in reduction of traffic congestion, improving air quality, and other regional and local benefits.
For more information about transportation options for your commute such as carpool or vanpool, these TMAs/TMOs serve the Westminster:
- Commuting Solutions (Northwest Region: US 36 to SH 119) – Dedicated to delivering innovative transportation options that connect commuters to their workplaces, businesses to their employees and residents to their communities. Through advocacy for infrastructure and transportation improvements, partnerships and education, Commuting Solutions creates progressive, flexible transportation solutions. Commuting Solutions is focuses on advocating for transportation improvements and expanding the use of commute options throughout the Northwest region.
- Smart Commute Metro North (I-25 corridor north of I-70, including SH-7, US-85) – Works with communities and businesses to promote transportation options and improvements, foster economic vitality and enhance mobility in the north metro region. Smart Commute provides information and programs for commuting options like ridesharing and transit, and works with employers interested in providing alternative work programs such as teleworking. Smart Commute Metro North's service area is focused on the I-25 corridor north of I-70, but their interest and efforts include SH-7, US-85 and Fast Tracks North Metro Rail corridor.
The Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) serves as the Denver Metro region’s Metropolitan Planning Organization - providing planning and technical assistance and a forum for local member governments to plan for the physical development of the region. DRCOG provides commuter services information through their Way to Go program.
Way to Go is a regional partnership between DRCOG and TMAs, including Commuting Solutions and Smart Commute Metro North, offering real-life solutions to help commuters throughout the Denver metro region save money, experience less stress and save time. Way to Go partners work together to reduce traffic congestion, improve air quality and make life better for the region’s residents. Way to Go provides information about carpool, vanpool, transit, biking, walking and telework/flexible work schedules.
Visit the city's Transportation & Mobility page for more information about other transportation options to travel within, to and from Westminster.