Due to unforeseen circumstances, the July 2 Wards Advisory Committee Meeting has been canceled. The next meeting will take place Tuesday, July 9 from 5:30-8:30 p.m. at City Hall.

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The Latest Uplands Happenings


NEW- Quarterly Neighborhood Meetings

Thank you to everyone who attended the November 16 community update at Crown Pointe Academy. If you missed the meeting, you can find the presentation here. These meetings will happen every quarter and will be live streamed. Save these dates for the next four meetings:

  • February 22, 2024
  • May 23, 2024
  • August 22, 2024
  • November 21, 2024


For More Information, Visit: Uplandscolorado.com

Stay up to date with construction information HERE.

All About the Uplands Development Project

On Monday, December 20, 2021, the Westminster City Council voted to conditionally approve the Uplands Development to move forward. A second reading for Councilor's Bill No. 49 was approved on January 10, 2022, to provide approval of the proposed Rezoning. The Preliminary Development Plan (PDP) and the “Master” Official Development Plan (MODP) were accepted, subject to the additional conditions required for approval by City Council and agreed to by the Applicant.   

Current Status

Please open the following dropdown items to learn more about each subject.

Please click the following links to see the City Council agenda pertaining to each issue. To find even more documents about each phase of the project, you can search their project numbers in eTRAKiT.

  • eTRAKiT Project Number: PLN18-0146, Preliminary Development Plan (PDP), Council agenda
  • eTRAKiT Project Number: PLN18-0144, Annexation, Council agenda
  • eTRAKiT Project Number: PLN18-0147, Rezoning, Council agenda
  • eTRAKiT Project Number: PLN20-0081, “Master” Official Development Plan – Uplands Filing No. 1 (Parcel A), Council agenda
  • eTRAKiT Project Number: PLN23-0014, Official Development Plan – Uplands Filing No. 2, Block 1 (Parcel B-1), Council agenda
  • eTRAKiT Project Number: PLN23-0020, Official Development Plan – Uplands Filing No. 1, Block 2 (Parcel A-2), Council agenda
  • eTRAKiT Project Number: PLN22-0052, PDP Amendment
  • eTRAKiT Project Number: PLN22-0090, “Master” Official Development Plan Amendment (Parcel A)

Please search the following project numbers in eTRAKiT to learn more about the development proposals that are currently under review. 

  • PLN23-0043 – Official Development Plan – Uplands Filing No. 3, Block 4 (Parcel C-1) 
    • This ODP is for an expansion of the Crown Pointe Academy on the north side of W 86th Avenue.  
  • PLN23-0060 - Official Development Plan – Uplands Filing No. 1, Block 4 (Parcel A-4) 
    • This ODP is for 127 single family detached and attached homes on Parcel A-4. 
  • PLN23-0061 – Official Development Plan – Uplands Filing No. 3, Block 2 (Parcel C-2) 
    • This ODP is for 247 affordable multi-family units on Parcel C-2. 
  • PLN23-0072 - Official Development Plan – Uplands Filing No. 3, Blocks 1 and 3 (Parcel C-1) 
    • This ODP is for a four-story mixed-use building with 70 affordable multi-family units and 7,000 square feet of commercial space on Parcel C-1. 
  • PLN23-0094 - Official Development Plan – Uplands Filing No. 1, Block 1 (Parcel A-1)  
    • This ODP is for a residential development with 78 homes on 8 acres. 
  • PLN23-0099 - Official Development Plan – Uplands Filing No. 1, Block 5 (Parcel A-5)  
    • This ODP is for a residential development with 166 homes on 16 acres. 
  • PLN23-0105 - Official Development Plan – Uplands Filing No. 1, Block 7 (Parcel A-7)  
    • This ODP is for a residential development with 166 homes on 16 acres.

Search the following Permit Numbers on eTRAKiT to learn more.

ENG22-0014 – Uplands Filing No. 1 - “Master” Civil CDs (Parcel A) 

  • Pending acceptance of the Uplands Filing No. 1 Phase III Drainage Report 
  • Pending acceptance of the Uplands Traffic Impact Study 
  • Pending acceptance of the Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) 
  • Pending acceptance of the Surety associated with the Public Improvement Agreement (PIA) 
  • Pending acceptance of Civil CDs 
    • Further analysis of utility crossings 
    • Further detail of utility support structure 
    • Further analysis of Traffic Signal design 

ENG22-0019 – Uplands Filing No. 1 - Federal Boulevard Improvements CDs (Parcel A) 

  • Pending acceptance of the Uplands Filing No. 1 Phase III Drainage Report 
  • Pending acceptance of the Uplands Filing No. 3 Phase III Drainage Report 
  • Pending acceptance of the Uplands Traffic Impact Study 
  • Pending acceptance of Civil CDs 
    • Further analysis of utility crossings 
    • Further analysis of Traffic Signal design 

ENG23-0001 – Uplands Filing No. 1 - Shaw Boulevard Outfall CDs (Parcel A) 

  • Pending acceptance of the Uplands Filing No. 1 Phase III Drainage Report 
  • Pending acceptance of the Uplands Traffic Impact Study 
  • Pending acceptance of the Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) 
  • Pending acceptance of Civil CDs 
    • Further analysis of utility crossings 

ENG23-0011 – Uplands Filing No. 1 - Early Grading and Erosion Control Plan (Parcel A) 

  • Phase I Environmental Assessment  - a revised Phase I ESA has been submitted and has been accepted. A reliance letter for the revised Phase I ESA still needs to be submitted.

ENG23-0024 – Uplands Filing No. 3 - 88th Avenue, 87th Place, & Decatur St. (Parcel A) 

  • Pending acceptance of the Uplands Filing No. 3 Phase III Drainage Report 
  • Pending acceptance of the Uplands Traffic Impact Study 
  • Pending acceptance of the Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) 
  • Pending acceptance of Civil CDs 

ENG23-0028 – Uplands Filing No. 2 - Dream Finders Civil CDs (Parcel B)

  • Pending acceptance of the Uplands Filing No. 2 Phase III Drainage Report 
  • Pending acceptance of the Uplands Traffic Impact Study 
  • Pending acceptance of the Surety and Public Improvement Agreement 
  • Pending acceptance of Civil CDs 


Site Activity General Construction Notes 

With all the necessary documentation accepted by staff related to the Early Grading Permit, we anticipate construction activity associated with grading the site between Lowell Blvd. and Federal Blvd., 88th Ave. and 84th Ave., in preparation for the public improvements associated with the larger common development. 

  • Contractor shall not operate any construction vehicles nor perform any construction operations before 7am or after 6pm, Monday through Friday or before 8am or after 5pm on Saturdays. No work will be allowed on Sundays or Holidays. The City reserves the right to further restrict or modify these hours of operation if conditions warrant. – General Notes (30) 
  • At all times, the property shall be maintained and/or watered to prevent wind-caused erosion. Earthwork operations shall be discontinued when fugitive dust significantly impacts adjacent property. If earthwork is complete or discontinued and dust from the site continues to create problems, the owner/developer shall immediately institute mitigative measures and shall correct damage to adjacent property. – Grading and Erosion Control Notes (5) 
  • The owner/developer shall provide any additional dust abatement and erosion control measures deemed necessary by the City, should conditions merit them. – Grading and Erosion Control Notes (8) 
  • Approval of the grading plan does not apply to utility construction. Utility construction shall not begin until approval by the City Engineer. – Grading and Erosion Control Notes (7) 

Engineering Documents

Please click on the following dropdown items to learn more about the status of this project's engineering documents.

Please search the Permit Number in eTRAKiT to find more information.

Land Disturbance Permit (LDP): ENG23-0011 – Early Grading and Erosion Control Plan 

  • Give Owner, or representative, ability to grade more than one acre in conformance with the associated over lot grading as accepted in conformance to all City Standards and Specifications 
  • Doesn’t no give Owner, or representative, ability to cause any land disturbance within the 100-year floodplain. 
  • City has enforced an additional 100’ buffer from the existing surveyed 100-year floodplain to further prevent grading activity to impact the floodplain. 

Land Disturbance Permit (LDP): ENG22-0014 – Uplands Filing No. 1 - “Master” Civil CDs (Parcel A) 

  • Pending acceptance of the Uplands Filing No. 1 Phase III Drainage Report 
  • Pending acceptance of the Uplands Traffic Impact Study 
  • Pending acceptance of the Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) 
  • Pending acceptance of the Surety associated with the Public Improvement Agreement (PIA) 
  • Pending acceptance of Civil CDs 
    • Further analysis of utility crossings 
    • Further detail of utility support structure 
    • Further analysis of Traffic Signal design

Land Disturbance Permit (LDP): ENG22-0019 - Uplands Filing No. 1 - Federal Boulevard Improvements CDs (Parcel A) 

  • Pending acceptance of the Uplands Filing No. 1 Phase III Drainage Report 
  • Pending acceptance of the Uplands Filing No. 3 Phase III Drainage Report 
  • Pending acceptance of the Uplands Traffic Impact Study 
  • Pending acceptance of Civil CDs 
    • Further analysis of utility crossings 
    • Further analysis of Traffic Signal design 

Land Disturbance Permit (LDP): ENG23-0001 – Uplands Filing No. 1 - Shaw Boulevard Outfall CDs (Parcel A) 

  • Pending acceptance of the Uplands Filing No. 1 Phase III Drainage Report 
  • Pending acceptance of the Uplands Traffic Impact Study 
  • Pending acceptance of the Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) 
  • Pending acceptance of Civil CDs 
    • Further analysis of utility crossings 

Uplands Filing No. 1 Phase III Drainage Report 

  • Mile High Flood District (MHFD) is assisting Staff in reviewing the Phase III Drainage Report and Construction Drawings to ensure the proposed water quality and detention facility is eligible for their Maintenance Eligibility Program (MEP) 
    • Pending acceptance of the Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) 
    • The review of the CLOMR is led by MHFD 

Uplands Filing No. 2 Phase III Drainage Report 

  • Mile High Flood District (MHFD) is assisting Staff in reviewing the Phase III Drainage Report 

Uplands Filing No. 3 Phase III Drainage Report 

  • Mile High Flood District (MHFD) is assisting Staff in reviewing the Phase III Drainage Report 

Uplands Traffic Impact Study 

  • Staff along with CDOT are continuing to ensure that the data provided with the Traffic Impact Study (TIS) are in compliance with not only the City’s, but the State’s regulations. 
  • The conclusion from this Study, as well as feedback from CDOT, associated with improvements along Federal Blvd. have been incorporated into the Developer’s scope of work and will be part of the Public Improvements the Developer is responsible in providing. 

Conditional Letter of Map Revision (FEMA/MHFD) 

  • City Staff is assisting with the facilitation of this review; however, acceptance is a Federal approval 
  • Mile High Flood District is the reviewing agency on behalf of FEMA 

ENG23-0024 – Uplands Filing No. 3 - 88th Avenue, 87th Place, & Decatur Street (Parcel A)  

  • Pending acceptance of the Uplands Filing No. 3 Phase III Drainage Report 
  • Pending acceptance of the Uplands Traffic Impact Study 
  • Pending acceptance of the Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) 
  • Pending acceptance of Civil CDs 

ENG23-0028 – Uplands Filing No. 2 - Dream Finders Civil CDs (Parcel B)    

  • Pending acceptance of the Uplands Filing No. 2 Phase III Drainage Report 
  • Pending acceptance of the Uplands Traffic Impact Study 
  • Pending acceptance of the Surety and Public Improvement Agreement 
  • Pending acceptance of Civil CDs 

Public Improvement Agreement (PIA): 

A Public Improvements Agreement (PIA) ensures that the agreed upon Infrastructure Improvements, such as sewer lines, roadway improvements, and other utilities are completed by the Applicant/Developer by a certain time. If the Applicant/Developer doesn’t complete the improvements by the required time, the City will complete the work at the cost of the Applicant/Developer.  The PIA provides financial security and assurance for the City and its Residents that this critical Infrastructure is completed in a timely manner at no-cost to Residents.   

The Applicant/Developer has entered into a PIA with the City that requires Surety sufficient to guarantee the required on-site and off-site improvements identified above for the development of Uplands Filings No. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 (Parcels A, B, C, D, and E) in accordance with section 11-6-4, W.M.C.  


The Applicant/Developer shall pay for One Hundred Percent (100%) of the costs of all required on-site and off-site water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and other public infrastructure, without any contribution from the city, required to support the construction of Uplands Filings No. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 (Parcels A, B, C, D, and E). 



A Plat or Subdivision Plat is a map drawn to a specified scale that shows the division of a tract of land. Plats generally indicate a lot and block designation for all lots depicted on the plat. Additionally, plats show the boundaries of all proposed easements, alleyways, and streets that are adjacent to or contained within the tract being subdivided or assembled. In order for a Plat to be legally valid, it must meet the local subdivision and zoning requirements, be approved by the City and be recorded with the County. 

land summary table.jpg

One Hundred Percent (100%) of the proposed Public Land Dedication (PLD) and View Corridors as shown in the PDP shall be dedicated to the City concurrent with the approval of the first Plat for Uplands Filing No. 1 (Parcel A).  A mutually acceptable Maintenance Agreement has entered into between the Applicant and the City to address maintenance until the land is developed for its intended use.  

The PLD consisting of 40.6 acres will be transferred to the City at the first plat for Plat for Uplands Filing No. 1 (Parcel A).  Typically, PLDs are transferred in phases as the property is developed.   

The City and the Applicant/Developer will jointly manage and maintain the dedicated land to ensure Residents will have access to trails and green space as soon as possible.  The City and the Applicant/Developer will engage the Community to learn more about their desired uses to design green spaces that suit the community’s needs.  During Public comment, the Community voiced a desire for community gardens, walking trails, and other similar amenities.  These are all suitable uses for the PLD while the City develops a long-term vision for the pld along with the Community.   

  • Land Disturbance Permit (LDP)
  • Mile High Flood District (MHFD)
  • Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR)

Additional Resources