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This project will create a new, unified development code ("UDC") to serve Westminster for the 21st century. The new code will be more user-friendly, will advance the goals of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan, and be better equipped to meet the myriad needs of the city in such areas as housing, design, conservation, and transportation. Code Forward is the first significant rewrite of these regulations in over 25 years.

The city regulates development through Title XI of the Municipal Code, adopted design standards and guidelines, and conditions to Planned Unit Development (PUD) approval. Title XI, Chapters 1-5 and 7, establishes zoning regulations, development procedures, and site design standards. The Design Standards and Guidelines are applied through seven separate documents for single-family detached, single-family attached, multifamily, senior housing, retail and traditional mixed-use neighborhood development (TMUND), along with landscaping standards. 


Phase 1 of this project was completed in 2018. To respond to the falling average number of elective points and surplus service commitments, this phase required applicants to specify a minimum number of elective points calculated using a five-year average. This phase also revised the Comprehensive Plan amendment process by establishing evaluation criteria to objectively review requests to amend the Comprehensive Plan. Select sustainability-related design standards for residential development were also implemented in the areas of energy, water, and mobility. To review the ordinance, visit Code Update Growth Management


  • update the development regulations to address current conditions;
  • reorganize the Municipal Code sections pertaining to land development into a "Unified Development Code";
  • consolidate the Design Standards and Guidelines in the Municipal Code;
  • refine the uses allowed in zoning districts or character areas;
  • update dimensional standards such as building setbacks, building height and lot coverage;
  • clarify standards for building elements such as entryways, materials, articulation and windows;
  • consider site features such as parking and landscaping; and
  • update processes such as rezonings, site plans, variances and appeals.

Title XI also establishes requirements for public land dedication, school land dedication, park development fees and public art that are not addressed in this process. 

Project Process and Schedule:

This process is designed with ample opportunities for public participation. Prior community conversations included discussion as part of the Comprehensive Plan Update and additional conversations with the Code Forward Task Force. Work on the Unified Development Code was slowed until completion of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan to provide City Council the opportunity to establish policy direction for the physical planning of the City. With the Plan now adopted work has resumed and will be closely coordinated with Strategic Plan Focused Objectives for the Redevelopment & Adaptive Re-Use Toolkit and Housing Needs Assessment. 

Click to view larger image of Process Graphic


UDC Flowchart_060623