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Executive Leadership Openings

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Current job openings

Guiding Principles 

Collaboration and Partnership: Enhance and sustain our relationships with neighboring governments and community-based partners, leveraging our collective resources for maximum impact and benefit to Westminster.  

Stewardship and Thrift: Responsibly manage all of the resources entrusted to our care to meet the needs of today without sacrificing the ability to meet the needs of the future.  

Transparency and Accountability: Engage in two-way dialogue with the people of Westminster, clearly communicate our intentions and decisions and take responsibility for all that we do, thereby earning the trust and confidence of the community.  

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Achieve equitable processes for the people of Westminster by providing opportunity for all voices to be heard and drawing upon community diversity in decision making.  

Innovate and Initiate: Foster a culture of continuous improvement and approach opportunities and challenges with drive, inventive thinking and resourcefulness, resulting in a resilient and sustainable future for our city.  

Prevention and Proactivity: Solve problems at their source and focus the city’s policies, practices and investments on prevention and community education and addressing root causes, leading to a better quality of life and greater prosperity for all in our community. 

What is the City of Westminster’s Executive Leadership Like? 

To be an executive leader for the City, you must embody our SPIRIT values. Our leaders believe, embrace, and represent the very best of our SPIRIT values.  

Our executive leaders are champions of the City. We prioritize the needs our community, and understand that our work is in service of our community members.