Due to unforeseen circumstances, the July 2 Wards Advisory Committee Meeting has been canceled. The next meeting will take place Tuesday, July 9 from 5:30-8:30 p.m. at City Hall.

Homepage > Government > Westminster History > Historic Resource Surveys

Historic Resource Surveys

To plan for the protection and preservation of its historic resources, a community must first inventory and evaluate those resources that remain. Effective preservation planning cannot take place until there is sufficient knowledge of the number, location and significance of historic resources.

This survey work is done for educational and documentation purposes and does not affect the status of any of the properties that are surveyed. It helps inform owners about the significance of their property, but does not list the properties as a landmark or designate historic districts. 

Many historic buildings are scattered throughout the city and have not yet been surveyed, and the significance of some homes will become apparent in the future after the owners do more in-depth research on the historical associations and events that may be connected with a particular property.  

The following resource surveys have been completed within the city, to date: 

Frontier, Nature and Leisure: California Ranch Reconnaissance Survey, 2015–2016 
Reconnaissance Survey of Pillar of Fire Structures and Historical Context, 2010 
Westminster Selective Intensive Survey, Jefferson County, Cultural Resource Survey 2008-2009 
Harris Park and Pillar of Fire Neighborhoods, Transportation Resources Survey Report, 2006-2007 
Historic Architectural Survey of Post World War II Residential Developments Abutting the US 36 Highway Corridor, 2006

Survey Plan

In 2005, the Westminster Historic Landmark Board commissioned the Historic Resources Survey to provide an estimate of the number and location of historic resources, and to provide a blueprint for future historic survey activities in Westminster over the next several years. By establishing survey criteria and survey priorities, the Historic Resources Survey Plan (view the appendices) provides a planned, comprehensive approach to the identification and evaluation of Westminster's historic resources. By logically and systematically planning for the identification and evaluation of these resources, survey activities can be completed more economically and quickly.

Contact Us:

Cultural Affairs Coordinator, Kate Cooke: 303-658-2711 or kcooke@westminsterco.gov.