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Connect With Us

The City of Westminster has many ways for residents and businesses to keep track of city news and events.

Email newsletters

Subscribe to our e-newsletters. The Westy, Parks, Recreation and Libraries activities and events, and more. There are a variety of e-newsletters for different interests within the city. Get our news delivered straight to your inbox and don't miss a thing!

View previous editions of our monthly e-newsletter, The Westy.

Community Magazine

Westy Connection - Westy Connection is the City of Westminster's publication and is mailed to residents and businesses throughout the year. It is a nexus of news, community spotlights and city happenings. The magazine is created by city employees and includes noteworthy information from across the city.

Emergency Alerts

Sign up for Lookout Alert. In the event of an emergency, residents of Westminster in Adams or Jefferson County, utilizing a landline or cell phone can be notified by Westminster Police/Fire via the emergency notification system, Smart911.

City Blog

Read about community spotlights and City happening on the city's blog, The Westy Word.

Social media

The City of Westminster has established several official outlets on Facebook and Twitter, providing residents and businesses with an easy way to keep track of city news and events. View our Social Media Commenting Policy and Legal Disclaimer.


City of Westminster, Colorado - Government

City of Westminster Parks and Recreation

Standley Lake Regional Park

Westminster Fire Department

Westminster Police Department 

Westminster Public Library

City of Westminster Emergency Management


City of Westminster - @westminsterco

Westminster Fire Department - @westyfire

Westminster Police Department - @westminsterpd

Economic Development - @westminsterbiz


City of Westminster - cityofwestminstercolorado

Westminster Police Department - westminster_pd


City of Westminster

Westminster Police Department


City of Westminster Channel