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Help make a difference and make golf sustainable for the future by supporting the Rocky Mountain Envronmental Golf Institute

To raise monies for the support of education and research in turfgrass and related golf course amenities, to raise monies for scholarships for individuals pursuing or interested in a career in golf course management or other academic fields, to raise monies for other non-profit 501(c)3 organizations.



At Golf Westminster, we are dedicated to environmental stewardship and sustainability. Both of our award-winning golf courses follow the sustainability principles set forth by the Audubon International program and GCSAA's Best Management Practices. We take a proactive environmental approach to make sure we keep the "green" in golf.

Walnut Creek Golf Preserve is one of two courses in the state of Colorado and one of 13 in the entire western US certified as an "Audubon International Signature Sanctuary." This program was designed to acknowledge land owners that make natural resource conservation a priority. Walnut Creek was built with Audubon International's oversight and annually demonstrates a commitment to five main competencies:

  • Wildlife conservation
  • Habitat restoration and enhancement
  • Water quality and conservation
  • Environmental education and outreach
  • Resource management

Home to more than 77 wildlife species, as well as an abundant variety of native plants covering 215 acres, Walnut Creek is limited to 90 acres of playable turf. The remainder of the property consists of 22 acres of Open Space, a Riparian Corridor stretching 1.25 miles, and 90 acres of native/wetland habitat designated as "Environmentally Sensitive," restricting entry and disruption from golfers.

Legacy Ridge Golf Course is dedicated to the long-term environmental sustainability of its neighboring communities and the City of Westminster. The course property consists of 192 acres in total with a majority of these being either native grasslands or wetlands. We realize that Legacy Ridge is more than just a golf course, and our impact on the surrounding environment will be at the forefront of all of our maintenance practices and standards. The principles set forth by the Audubon International program that guide Walnut Creek Golf Preserve are followed at Legacy Ridge as well. This equates to a proactive environmental approach in everything both courses do.

Learn about the NEW Low Impact Development (LID) Rain Garden at Legacy Ridge Golf Course

Golf Westminster Best Management Practices

Water Conservation
City of Westminster golf courses implement strategies for maximum efficiency and conservation of water while irrigating the course turf. ET watering is used to measure the amount of water lost in the soil through a set time and allows for irrigation schedules to replace the water loss. Rain sensors are used as a means to detect rainfall and shut down irrigation systems during a weather event eliminating unnecessary watering. Hot spot monitoring is a strategy used to focus additional water needs to specific areas. Hand watering by hose to target hot spots focuses the additional water to the area in need rather than a broad area that might be irrigated by a series of sprinkler heads. The city’s golf courses are irrigated using non-potable reuse water. Records are kept for the receiving and application of all irrigation water.

Low Impact Development (LID) at Legacy Ridge Golf Course

CLICK HERE to learn about the "Rain Garden" installed at Legacy Ridge Golf Course

Low Impact Development Sign_final.jpg

Waste Management
Westminster golf courses manage waste with an emphasis on recycling efforts and proper waste disposal. Products are purchased on an as needed basis and used for their proper function before expiration. Hazardous wastes are listed as such and taken to proper facilities for disposal.
Nutrient Management
Our goal in managing nutrients is to apply the minimum necessary nutrients to achieve an acceptable playing surface. Soil testing helps identify nutrient surpluses and deficiencies in the soil. Applications are performed based on the suggested applications provided in the soil test results to maintain soil nutrient levels. Nutrients are applied in a manner that allows for maximum plant uptake. Application timing and weather is considered to reduce the potential for leaching and runoff from the application target area. Proper records are kept for the use of all nutrients.
Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

The IPM program aims to control or eliminate potential pests while reducing pesticide exposure to people, animals, and the environment. Methods of control include cultural, biological, genetic, and chemical control. Pesticides are properly stored and only used in a manner specified by the product label. Containment sites are used for mixing and loading product. Spill kits are strategically placed at IPM station to minimize risk should a spill occur. Proper records are kept for the use of all pesticides.

Golf Westminster is part of the Colorado Golf Coalition.  Partnering with basically every governing body around golf in Colorado.  To provide insight on the impact that golf has on the state and at a local level.  Impact in areas such as economy, environmental, sustainability, recreation, tourism, charity, housing, etc.

Visit the Colorado Golf Coalition Website

See the 2021 Colorado Golf Impact Report