Due to unforeseen circumstances, the July 2 Wards Advisory Committee Meeting has been canceled. The next meeting will take place Tuesday, July 9 from 5:30-8:30 p.m. at City Hall.

National Night Out

On the first Tuesday of every August, the City of Westminster joins forces with thousands of communities nationwide to celebrate National Night Out. Citizens, police and fire personnel, businesses, and community leaders come together to communicate with each other and unite against crime.

Neighbors gather for ice cream socials, backyard barbecues and potluck dinners in a variety of locations. Westminster City Council, police officers and firefighters visit these gatherings to socialize and answer questions.

National Night Out is designed to heighten crime and drug prevention awareness, bring neighbors together and strengthen neighborhood spirit, make neighborhoods safer, promote positive partnerships between police and the community, and generate support of local anti-crime programs.

A total of 28 neighborhoods participated in the 35th annual National Night Out in 2018. If you are interested in hosting a National Night Out party in 2024, or in attending an event, please contact Sergeant Roger Cox at 303-658-4046. The 2024 National Night Out will be held on August 6,2024.

Visit the official National Night Out website for more information.

Neighborhood Watch

Neighborhood Watch is a national program that encourages neighborhoods to work cooperatively with their police departments to reduce crime and improve the quality of life in neighborhoods.

The Westminster Police Department will assist you in developing your Neighborhood Watch program, but its success relies on the commitment of the organizers. Learn more or establish a Neighborhood Watch program.

If you have further questions, contact Sergeant Roger Cox, 303-658-4046. 

Tours of the Westminster Police Department

The public information unit can schedule tours of the police department for groups of children who are interested in learning more about the functions and responsibilities of the department. The guided tour lasts about 30 minutes. If you are interested in scheduling a tour or would like further information, please email us at police@westminsterco.gov.

Security Checks for Businesses and Residences

The Westminster Police Department Community Service Division can assist local businesses and residents in a security site analysis of their home or business that is intended to inform the owner of any needed adjustments to make the building more secure. The owner would be given advice on such things like lighting, doors and locks, and landscaping. If you would like to schedule a security check, please contact the community events section at 303-658-4046.

Colorado Household Medication Take-Back Program

The program is now expanding with a goal of establishing at least one permanent collection location in every Colorado county. All locations can accept prescribed controlled substances (e.g. Percocet, Vicodin, Xanax, Ritalin, and Adderall), along with other prescribed and over-the-counter medications. Visit the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment's website for locations and more information.

Response to Alarms

The Westminster Police Department acknowledges that properly installed, well-maintained and appropriately utilized alarms are beneficial to crime prevention. We utilize an "Informed Response" strategy in order to help our department cut back on the hundreds of hours our officers spend each year responding to false intrusion alarms. This strategy frees up police time to respond to actual break-ins and other emergencies. 

The alarm company receiving the original intrusion signal from the residence or business will contact the owner of the alarm prior to contacting the Westminster Police Department. After the alarm company has contacted the alarm owner or attempted to make the contact, a call may be placed to the police department dispatch center, if needed. The intrusion alarm will be broadcast to the police officers working on-duty, but a police response to the intrusion alarm will only occur if one or more of the following conditions exist:

  • Someone has witnessed an intrusion   
  • Two different alarm zones have been activated such as: a perimeter window or door alarm sensor AND a motion, heat or other sensor
  • All other intrusion alarms will be broadcast to the police officers working, and officers will have the informed discretion to respond based on their knowledge of the beat the are working, crime trends, serial burglaries etc.

Panic or Duress Alarms

Police Dispatch will automatically alert officers to a residential or business alarm that has been identified as a panic or duress alarm. This type of alarm system is used or activated during robberies or similar incidents when police services are needed in an emergency.  

If you have an alarm system, make sure everyone who has a key or knows the entry code; can make a lawful entry, is aware of how the system works. If the system or operator is new, practice the proper procedure for arming and disarming the system.

Amber Alert Program 

Sign up to receive Amber Alerts

The Amber Alert program empowers law enforcement, the media and the public to combat child abduction by sending out immediate, up-to-date information that aids in the child's safe recovery.

  • Amber Alert can only be activated by law enforcement agencies through the Colorado Bureau of Investigation .
  • Amber Alert is intended only for the most serious, time-critical child abduction cases.
  • Amber Alert is not intended for cases involving runaways or parental kidnapping, except in life-threatening situations.

Amber Alert Criteria:

  • The abducted child must be 17 years of age or younger.
  • The abducted child must be in immediate danger of serious bodily injury or death.
  • There must be enough descriptive information to believe a broadcast will assist or aid in the recovery.

If you witness child abduction, or have information regarding a current Amber Alert, call 911. Take note of important information to help law enforcement, such as the description of the child and the suspect, the location of the event, a description and the license plate number of any vehicles involved.

For additional information visit the Colorado Bureau of Investigation