Emergency and Essential Home Repair Program
The City of Westminster’s Emergency and Essential Home Repair (EEHR) Program provides up to $10,000 in eligible home repairs to income-qualified, owner-occupied households in Westminster. From start to finish, repairs can be completed within weeks after a resident begins the application process. For emergency repairs, the City's partners can prioritize work to begin within days if needed.
Eligible repairs may include:
- Plumbing
- Electrical
- Furnace repair/replacement
- Water heater repair/replacement
- Accessibility improvements e.g. wheelchair ramps, hand railings

It takes three simple steps to get started:
Step 1: Determine if you are income-eligible
The Emergency and Essential Home Repair (EEHR) Program is available to residents who earn up to 80% of Area Median Income (AMI), which for a family of four is just under $90,000 a year.
Step 2: Determine what county you are in
Adams or Jefferson. If you are west of Sheridan Boulevard, you live in Jefferson County. If you are east of Sheridan Boulevard, you live in Adams County.
Step 3: Contact your local county partner to apply!
Adams County residents should contact Brothers Redevelopment, Inc.
Jefferson County residents should contact Foothills Regional Housing.
If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact Shannon Picaso at the City of Westminster at 303-658-2191 or spicaso@westminsterco.gov.