Due to unforeseen circumstances, the July 2 Wards Advisory Committee Meeting has been canceled. The next meeting will take place Tuesday, July 9 from 5:30-8:30 p.m. at City Hall.

We Make Sustainability Easy

SAGE advisors and program partners will work with you to create a personalized plan to reach your sustainability goals and provide resources and expertise to achieve it! We can also help you become a SAGE Certified Sustainable Business if that's your goal. Best of all, we do it for free. Here's how:

  •  Assessment: We offer free, tailored evaluations from sustainability experts that identify the best opportunities for your businesses to save money, increase efficiency, reduce waste, and minimize resource use. 

  •  Planning: We create actionable plans that remove the guesswork and headache from implementation and maximize cost savings. 

  •  Connection: We connect you to the resources you need to successfully implement sustainable practices and achieve your goals.

  •  Recognition: We recognize your accomplishments to make you more marketable to employees and customers, celebrating the completion of your project or the SAGE Sustainable Business Certification

  •  Promotion: We will include your business in SAGE advertising and publicity efforts. We will help you tell your sustainability story and gain community recognition.

SAGE advisors spend time understanding your business and culture, taking into account your unique context and delivering fit-for-purpose sustainability solutions. In doing so, your business will benefit from cost savings, reduced business risk, and long-term reputation and revenue gains. The SAGE program provides the best-fit resources for any challenge, topic, or issue area. 

Waste 101 and trainings from Eco-Cycle Eco-Cycle_blue-resize326x111

SAGE teamed up with Eco-Cycle, one of the oldest and largest non-profit recyclers and Zero Waste organizations in the U.S. to host a series of workshops on zero waste specific strategies, resources, and opportunities for Westminster businesses.?? See below for a crash course in waste reduction and strategies to help conserve resources and reduce spending! 

Want a one-on-one waste consultation? Our zero-waste guru will provide one-on-one assistance on the following:

  • green team and sustainability coordinator supportemployee buy-in and engagement programs

  • waste audits; and internal collection system set-up and improvements

  • customized signage and collection of hard-to-recycle materials

Email SAGE to register for a consultation session 

DIY Advising

Have an idea of what you want to focus on, but need a little guidance? The following resources provide a structured approach for you to dive deep into a specific technical or specific sustainability topic.




Food Waste:

SAGE Celebrates 2 Years of Helping Businesses! 

SAGE celebrated its second anniversary in April. Since April 2021, SAGE has helped 225 businesses; that’s around 8% of Westminster’s total businesses, with 75 of these businesses having completed initiatives supported by SAGE through financial assistance, advising, and programming. This past year, SAGE helped local businesses with several accomplishments including transitioning to all non-plastic packaging, upgraded LED lighting, starting a recycling service, employee education about water conservation, and more. 

Read about SAGE's impact here


Email SAGE@westminsterco.gov or call 303-658-2662 to set up an advising session, get your questions answered, and to provide comments. 



Focus Areas

SAGE advisors and partners provide expertise, strategies, and resources to help your business advance sustainable business practices in the following topics: 

  • Energy efficiency: SAGE can help you implement easy changes to reduce your energy bill such as installing LED lighting, thermostats, high efficiency HVAC systems; manage equipment, and more.
  • Water conservation: A few simple tweaks can save thousands of gallons a year. We can help you switch to low-flow toilets, install sink aerators, and use low-water, native landscaping. 
  • Waste reduction: Save money and resources through implementing environmentally friendly purchasing practices, reuse and repurposing, and setting up successful recycling systems. 
  • Transportation: Encouraging your employees and customers to walk, bike, and take public transportation will not only make them happier. It makes our air cleaner too!
  • Community: Connect with and benefit local Westminster community groups, organizations, sports teams, and members to grow a beneficial customer reputation and gain recognition.  
  • Business management: We'll help you engage your workforce to continue improving your environmental and social impacts and verify your compliance with all applicable environmental standards.


In working with SAGE, you’ll find our business sustainability advisors and partners to be your most valuable resource. Our advisors bring a diverse array of experience and technical expertise to unique sustainability topics and areas. While advisors work one-on-one with each business, they also collaborate to problem-solve and develop best-in-class strategies to help you meet your sustainability goals. Our advisors can connect you to program partners that provide free or low-cost assessments, equipment, educational opportunities, and additional resources. SAGE advisors can also connect you to specific City staff who are experts in water conservation, storm-water management, transportation and mobility, and community engagement. 

Meet The Advisors:

Bridger Tomlin HeadshotBridger Tomlin
Sustainability Associate 

Bridger manages and is the main advisor for the SAGE program. He is experienced in implementing community energy efficiency, sustainability, and climate planning programs and is well-versed in assisting businesses elevate their sustainability and community recognition and goals. Bridger holds an MENV (Masters of the Environment) Degree from CU Boulder, specializing in sustainability planning and management. 

(303) 658-2662