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The City of Westminster is fully committed to financial transparency and providing the public with easy-to-access financial information. This page includes links to a variety of financial information and documents for use by the public. 


The City uses a dynamic financial transparency reporting tool provided by OpenGov that collects information on a daily basis directly from the City’s financial system. As part of the City's commitment to transparency, Westminster residents and businesses can access the City’s financial information, including revenue and expense information.

While source data may have been audited or subject to audit, data provided through OpenGov should be treated as unaudited. For independently audited financial statements, please refer to the City’s Annual Comprehensive Financial Reports

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Find Annual Comprehensive Financial Reports (ACFRs), Monthly Financial Reports & WEDA Quarterly Financial Statements on our Financial Reports webpage.

ACFRs include annual, independently audited financial statements by year. In contrast, monthly financial reports included unaudited financial statements prepared throughout the year.

Continuing disclosure reports contain financial and operating information that the City is obligated to provide as a condition of borrowing money used to finance capital projects. This report is prepared annually, and while the report itself is not audited, financial data is based on independently audited financial information. View Continuing Disclosure Reports.

To find budget documents, visit the Budget webpage.

View the City's pay plan here and scroll to the bottom of the page.

The City of Westminster complies with the Colorado Open Records Act (CORA). The city clerk is the official custodian of the city’s public records, receives and responds to public record requests, and is responsible for the retention of city records and preservation of archival documents. To learn more, visit the Public Records Request webpage.

To find information about police reports, vis it the Police Reports webpage.