Due to unforeseen circumstances, the July 2 Wards Advisory Committee Meeting has been canceled. The next meeting will take place Tuesday, July 9 from 5:30-8:30 p.m. at City Hall.

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WestyRISE encompasses our collective efforts to recover and focus as a community. We have organized our recovery support into the following categories:

  • Economic Resilience – Supporting the Westminster business community
  • Community Resilience – Strengthening neighborhoods and the social fabric of our community
  • Government Resilience – Ensuring the city’s financial stability and workforce support
  • Individual Resilience – Supporting basic human needs such as housing and access to food

The COVID-19 public health crisis has dramatically impacted almost every aspect of our lives and none of us has come through unscathed. Our greatest griefs are for each life lost during this ongoing pandemic and for their loved ones who mourn. As individuals and as a community we also have endured jobs lost and businesses closed and altered, celebrations cancelled, patterns and routines upended, and the uncertainty across so much of our lives. Our world, our country, our city, and our lives are irrevocably changed.

Through this, however, the incredible resilience of our community has glowed undiminished. From volunteers delivering food and supplies to impacted members of our community; teachers and parents rallying to continue classroom learning at home, on-line and with new initiatives; business owners and employees adapting to a new reality of telework; to faith communities creating a new normal together and families willingly redefining their priorities, this community has bounced instead of broken. It has been courageous. It has innovated. It has shown that we in Westminster are built with character and community.

It is through this strength and innovation - from our business community and our residents - that we will overcome these new and unprecedented challenges.

As a city, we are focused on continuing services, creating initiatives and identifying partners across the region to establish programs to support our great Westminster community, working with residents and businesses across the city in many ways. We all will rise up, adapt and emerge stronger through these changes.