Due to unforeseen circumstances, the July 2 Wards Advisory Committee Meeting has been canceled. The next meeting will take place Tuesday, July 9 from 5:30-8:30 p.m. at City Hall.

A Decade of Transportation and Mobility Investments in Westminster

A lot has changed throughout the Denver Metro region since 2010 – (check out some interactive regional data and statistics from the Denver Regional Council of Governments here). During this past decade, Westminster has become home to some of the region’s most notable transportation investments connecting residents, commuters and visitors to their destinations.

Westminster welcomed the opening of the Regional Transportation District’s (RTD) B-Line commuter rail and Westminster Station as well as major improvements along US 36 including the US 36 Bikeway, the RTD Flatiron Flyer bus rapid transit service and two transit stations at Sheridan Boulevard and Church Ranch Boulevard. The first section of the Rocky Mountain Greenway Trail opened in 2016, named one of the “16 in 2016” projects in Colorado by Governor Hickenlooper, providing a regional trail across the northern part of the Denver Metropolitan area.

On a more local scale, the city has invested in transportation improvements ranging from major roadway reconstruction to implementing safety improvements for pedestrians and bicyclists citywide. Now let’s hop in a car, on a bike or bus, or walk or roll - whatever mode you like to travel in - and take a journey down memory lane to look at ten years of transportation improvements in our community.

Did you know?

  • In 1988 there were only 45 traffic signals in Westminster. Today, there are 116.
  • There are over 9,000 street lights in Westminster.
  • Westminster has approximately 150 miles of off-street trails, including five regional trails.


Click on the map below for a more detailed view of the major transportation improvements in Westminster since 2010.

Grant Awards

Many completed and upcoming transportation projects could not have been made possible without pursuing a number of external funding resources including regional, state and federal grants. Since 2010, the City has been awarded over $17 million in grant funds, supported by over $9 million of city matching funds, for transportation improvement projects including the future Sheridan Boulevard multimodal transportation underpass, intersection improvements, traffic signal upgrades, electric vehicle charging stations, trail projects, multimodal safety improvements such as crosswalk improvements, and completion of sidewalk gaps.  

Transportation Plans

In addition to the transportation infrastructure investments throughout Westminster and guidance through the existing 2008 Comprehensive Roadway Plan, the city also developed the following three plans to guide the implementation of multimodal transportation improvements. These plans, except for the Open Space Stewardship Plan, will be superseded by the Transportation & Mobility Plan currently under development. Key components of these plans will be integrated and updated in the Transportation& Mobility Plan.

  • The 2030 Westminster Bicycle Master Plan, completed in 2011, guides the city in fostering bicycling as a viable, safe and sustainable form of transportation and recreation through the implementation of bicycle facilities and supportive education and encouragement actions. Since 2010, approximately 40 miles of bike facilities (a combination of bike lanes, buffered bike lanes and shared lanes) have been implemented throughout the city – before 2010, no on-street bike lanes existed in Westminster!
  • Westminster’s Mobility Action Plan, completed in 2017, addresses over 80 sidewalk, bikeway, and transit infrastructure needs citywide as well as multimodal transportation programs and policies. A number of the projects identified in the Mobility Action Plan have been implemented throughout the city, providing improved connections and safer mobility for users.
  • The 2014 Open Space Stewardship Plan serves as a guide for current and future open space management, rehabilitation, enhancement, and sustainability for passive recreational uses in an effort to protect natural resources while ensuring high-quality visitor experiences now and in the future, which includes trail and wayfinding development and management.

Maintenance and Operations

In addition to implementing new transportation infrastructure throughout Westminster, city staff and contractors also maintain and upgrade this infrastructure to support the quality of life of residents, support the local economy and reduce long-term costs. In 2010, there were over 1,000 lane miles of paved roads in Westminster - today there are over 1,135 miles of roads. Between 2010 and 2020, street maintenance activities included:

  • Placing over 300,059 tons of asphalt on city streets
  • Resurfacing 882 lane miles
  • Plowing 631,671 miles
  • Restriping city streets using 75,627 gallons of paint
  • Sweeping 35,668 miles of curb and gutter

The city also maintains and manages roadway operations and associated infrastructure including traffic signals, street lights, and street crossing signage, to ensure streets are safe, accessible and reliable. Some of this work is supported by over $900,000 in grant funds recently received for traffic signal system and roadway safety improvements. In 2015, the city began installing wayfinding signage throughout the city to help trail and bikeway users navigate to their destinations. Since 2010, a number of major transportation and traffic signal system improvements were completed including:

  • Replaced 120 aging traffic signal poles
  • Upgraded detection cameras at 35 intersections
  • Upgraded over 4,000 street lights in Westminster to more efficient light emitting diodes (LED)
  • Upgraded all of the city’s traffic signals to LED beginning in 2014
  • Installed 16 flashing school zone signs throughout the city
  • Installed infrastructure for 10 new signalized intersections throughout Westminster

What’s Coming Down the Road

As we move into another decade and continue providing improvements along the streets in Westminster for both the current and future local and regional users of the transportation system, a number of transportation projects are already underway including the Sheridan Boulevard multimodal transportation underpass, installation of trail wayfinding, and the Federal Boulevard Multimodal Transportation Study, in addition to on-going operations and maintenance projects. Westminster is also developing the first Transportation & Mobility Plan to address Westminster’s near- and long-term multimodal transportation and mobility needs, and a new Parks, Recreation & Libraries Plan that will include guidance for trail development. Many multimodal transportation improvements and major traffic signal system upgrades throughout Westminster will be completed over the next few years, leveraging over $1.2 million in state and federal grant funds awarded to the city. The city will also continue to explore the application of innovative transportation technology including piloting traffic congestion technology along Sheridan Boulevard as part of the Parsons’ Smart Cities Challenge.

Visit the city’s website and sign-up for notifications to learn more about transportation projects and programs, and for opportunities to provide input on how to keep Westminster moving forward.