Due to unforeseen circumstances, the July 2 Wards Advisory Committee Meeting has been canceled. The next meeting will take place Tuesday, July 9 from 5:30-8:30 p.m. at City Hall.

Homepage > Residents > Water > Rates > Rate Increase

Rate Increase

Leelo en español abajo.

The city is required by its Home Rule Charter to set rates based on the annual cost to operate its water and sewer systems. Rates are also set to be “equitable” meaning that each class of customer is paying its fair share of the costs (no more, and no less) according to their impact to the system.  No taxes are used to fund water and sewer projects or operations.

City Council approves rates on a two year schedule and approved rate increases for 2019 and 2020 in 2018. City Council will consider rates for 2021 and 2022 in 2020. There will be plenty of opportunities for the public to review and comment on the proposed rates before City Council votes on them.

Westminster City Council on Monday, October 8, 2018, approved by a 4-1 vote an increase in water and sewer rates and tap fees for 2019-20 to fund critical needs in our water and sewer system. Councillor Dave DeMott voted no; Mayor Pro Tem Maria De Cambra is absent on maternity leave and Councillor Kathryn Skulley was absent on business.

The following provides information on the proposal, its impact on utility bills and how it will help the city deliver on its commitment to provide safe, reliable water and sewer service to residents and businesses.

water News/projects

Residential Customers

Commercial Customers

HOA/School/Church Customers

The need: an aging system

As with most cities, an annual water rate increase is necessary to continue to provide safe and healthy drinking water for our residents. 

The water and sewer rate increases for 2019 and 2020 are driven by the age and condition of our utility system. Revenues will be predominately spent on taking care of specific infrastructure that has already shown signs of failure or reached the end of its useful life.

The rate increases will be more significant than past years to fund critical needs, including:

  • Funding the rising cost of maintenance and repairs to our aging infrastructure. This includes pipes, pumps, tanks, chemicals, repair parts and equipment.
  • Replacing the aging Semper Water Treatment Facility to ensure high-quality drinking water for our community now and into the future. Learn more about the Water2025 project.
  • Funding critical improvements to the Big Dry Creek Interceptor Sewer, primarily to deal with known age and condition concerns while also addressing capacity within the sewer system.

The increases are the result of a year-long study and reflect the demands of operating and investing in a $4 billion infrastructure system that provides safe, high quality, compliant and reliable water and sewer services to customers. Such a study had not been performed since 2006, and it clearly revealed that rates and fees were not keeping pace with infrastructure needs.

Water Bill Assistance Program

We recognize that any increase in a utility bill, no matter how small, can have a large impact on people living on fixed incomes or those who struggle to pay even basic bills. In response, the city has for more than a year provided assistance to help pay bills.

Get complete details on the Water Bill Assistance Program

Water Conservation

Water conservation is a great way to spend less on water.

  • Replace your toilets with the most water efficient “WaterSense” labeled toilets. They don’t cost any more money and could reduce your toilet’s use by 20 percent or more on each flush. Your toilet is the largest water user in your home, so there are big savings to achieve.
  • Outdoor irrigation accounts for about half of a household’s total water consumption annually, so reductions there pay big dividends.
  • Check out the Water Conservation webpage, which offers free sprinkler consultations and Garden In A Box discounts.
  • Transform your lawn into a water-smart landscape; replace thirsty grass with low-water turf, plants, trees and shrubs. 
  • Recycle the rain; use rain barrels to collect precipitation and reuse it outdoors.


Provide your feedback/comments online

If you have questions, please call 303-706-3310 and leave a message. We'll get back to you as soon as we can.

Propuesta Para Incrementar La Tarifa Del Agua

El lunes, 8 de octubre, el Concejo Municipal aprobó, , 4 a 1, incrementar la tarifa del agua y  alcantarillado para el 2019 y 2020 con el propósito de financiar necesidades críticas que ayudan a mantener la infraestructura del agua de la ciudad.

El Concejal Dave DeMott voto en contra; y la alcaldesa interina Maria De Cambra está en ausencia por maternidad y la concejal Kathryn Skulley estuvo ausente. 

El voto  final significa que las nuevas tarifas empezaran el primero de enero del 2019 y 2020.

Hubo una presentación sobre la propuesta durante el 10 de septiembre donde se dio información y dio la oportunidad al público de dar a conocer sus comentarios o  hacer preguntas. La presentación esta disponible en ingles.

La siguiente información sobre la propuesta detalla el impacto en la cuenta del agua y como ayudara a la ciudad a seguir con su compromiso de proveer agua salubre y servicios de alcantarillados para residentes y negocios. Para más información visita la página de preguntas frecuentes.

Programa De Asistencia Para Cuenta de Agua

Sabemos que cualquier incremento, por más pequeño que sea, puede tener un gran impacto para la gente que vive con ingreso fijo y batalla para pagar servicios básicos. En respuesta a un incremento, la ciudad, por muchos años, provee asistencia para pagar estos servicios.

Informate en Water Bill Assistance Program. (Para ver la información en español de este link, busca el idioma al final de la página en la barra de Google Translate).

Conservación Del Agua

Conservar agua es una manera de pagar menos.

  • Remplaza tu sanitario con uno más eficiente, llamado “WaterSense”. No cuestan más y reduces el uso de agua 20 por ciento. El sanitario es lo que más agua consume en tu casa, así que te ahorraras bastante.
  • En regar se utiliza la mitad del consumo del agua al año, así que reducir el riego ahorra dinero.
  • La página Water Conservation webpage ofrece asesoría con aspersores y descuentos en el programa Garden in a Box, que ofrece plantas que ahorran agua.
  • Transforma tu jardín en ahorro, reemplazando tus plantas con unas que no necesitan tanta agua.
  • Recicla el agua de lluvia usando barriles para recolectar lluvia y usarla afuera.