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Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Sheridan Boulevard Traffic Pattern Change Anticipated This Week Between US-36 and 88th Avenue

The contractor team led by CEI is preparing for a new traffic pattern on Sheridan Boulevard this week. Crews plan to restripe northbound and southbound Sheridan and shift traffic overnight on Feb. 10 and 11, starting at 7:30 p.m. each evening. Two lanes in each direction will be maintained during the day. There will be intermittent lane closures throughout the week in preparation for this traffic shift. The new traffic pattern will be in place for several months.

The eastern half of the new underpass structure was set by crane two months ago. The contractor worked around a series of winter storms to place backfill material over the new structure and continue road construction. All work is weather-dependent. Message boards along the corridor will alert drivers to any schedule changes regarding the planned traffic configuration change.

The new traffic pattern will create a work zone in the center of Sheridan Boulevard for concrete median work. Two lanes will be maintained in each direction. Drivers are advised to use caution and expect construction vehicles entering and exiting the work zone.




The Sheridan Boulevard Multimodal Transportation Improvement project – also known as the Sheridan Underpass – improves mobility and creates a direct bicycle and pedestrian connection between Downtown Westminster and the Regional Transportation District’s US 36 and Sheridan Station. The project also includes widening Sheridan Boulevard to six lanes from Turnpike Drive to West 88th Place, installing decorative concrete medians, making storm sewer drainage improvements, adding streetlights, and modifying traffic signals.


Schedule & Traffic Impacts

Two lanes will remain open in each direction on Sheridan Boulevard during construction. Heavy truck traffic and flagging are anticipated. Drivers should expect minor traffic delays.

All work is weather-dependent, and the schedule is subject to change. Project completion is anticipated in late spring 2023.


For more information and project updates:

Call: 303-219-9033

Email: sheridan-underpass@workzone.info

Visit: www.westminsterco.gov/SheridanUnderpass

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