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Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Vanpool? More like VanCool!

Vanpool? More like VanCool!

Are you tired of driving alone during your long commute? It’s time to get your out of your car and into a vanpool! Commuting Solutions is excited to announce their newest program available for Westminster residents: VanCool! Register for a vanpool and receive $20 a month for the rest of the year towards the cost of your vanpool!

Vanpools are a great option for commuters who travel more than 15-miles one-way to work. Passengers share the ride in a vehicle – which contrary to the name, isn’t always a van – that seats 5-15 people.

Participants pay a monthly fee that covers the cost of fuel, insurance and vehicle maintenance. Another great perk of vanpooling on US 36 is free access to the US 36 express lanes.

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