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Monday, June 28, 2021

Westminster Transportation & Mobility Plan Available for Community Input


Throughout the development of the Transportation & Mobility Plan, a process that began in mid-2019, the City has heard from the community that Westminster needs a safer and more reliable, accessible and connected multimodal transportation system for all users. The community input received to date, in addition to technical analysis and application of industry best practices, has informed the development of the draft Westminster Transportation & Mobility Plan, available for community input June 28 – July 19, 2021.

We want to hear from you! Click here to provide your input on the Draft Transportation & Mobility Plan (link directs you to Survey Monkey). The survey will ask you individual chapter questions, with opportunities to provide open feedback. The survey is available in English and Spanish.

Next steps: After community input is received on the draft plan, the project team will evaluate the feedback and revise the plan as needed. The final plan will be presented to City Council this fall.

Thank you for your time and participation. Please encourage your neighbors, co-workers, classmates, and friends to review the plan and provide their input! If you are unable to access or complete the survey, please contact the project team at westminsterforward@westminsterco.gov.

Visit our project webpage to learn more about the Transportation & Mobility Plan.

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