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Tuesday, March 28, 2023

City Adopts Revised Comprehensive Plan

After several years of close review, the City of Westminster adopted a revised 2040 Comprehensive Plan on March 27, 2023, that aligns tightly with the vision and priorities of City Council. The revised comprehensive plan emphasizes opportunities for economic and job development, homeownership, and prioritizes the protection of lands for open space, parks, and similar uses.  

As part of a change in direction from the 2013 Comprehensive Plan, multi-family development will reach a 1:1 multi-family to single-family unit balance through the plan’s 2040 horizon. The permitting of new housing units from 2014 to 2021 established approximately 3.8 multi-family units for every one single-family unit.  In support of homeownership, the revised plan establishes new opportunities for paired homes, townhomes, and smaller-format single-family homes to address a range of ages and lifestyles with a balanced mixture of housing types across the city. This rebalancing of densities is also anticipated to result in an annual reduction in water demand of 613 acre-feet or 199,838,000 gallons, thus further ensuring adequate water supply for the city’s future needs. 

Employment development will be supported by protecting key sites for office, research and development labs with a focus on sites with proximity to other employment land uses and supporting transportation infrastructure. Life sciences and aerospace are among the key opportunities for further economic development in Westminster. The revised plan proposed supporting the revitalization of aging commercial centers to fit the changing needs of the community. 

Open space, parks, golf courses, and creek corridors, which constitute over 40% of Westminster’s land, are identified for protection. This thoughtful development pattern will ensure Westminster remains predominantly suburban in character mixed with lands for recreation and preservation of views and natural features.  

To learn about proposed new developments, please visit the Current Development Map

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