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Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Get a 'prescription' for a healthier lifestyle

Get a 'prescription' for a healthier lifestyle

Most prescriptions are written for pain medications, hypothyroidism and antibiotic infections. However, the city's Parks, Recreation and Libraries Department and its partnering medical clinics, want to write a prescription for a healthier lifestyle.

The new program, called "Prescription for Health," is designed to help patients become more active by providing them a free, 30-day pass to any Westminster recreation facility with the option to sign up for a healthy lifestyle education class called Health Wize. If patients sign up for the 8-week class, they receive an additional 60-day pass.

The city partners with several local clinics, such as Westminster Medical Clinic, Arbor Family Medicine and Kid’s First health, and provides imitation prescription pads for doctors to write down patients’ exercise and food goals. The patient then brings the paper to a city recreation facility for the pass.

“We wanted to partner with medical facilities in the city and have the doctors ‘prescribe’ exercise, healthy eating and food awareness to improve their health,” said Recreation Services Manager Justin Cutler. “The program will increase awareness of and use of our recreation facilities.”

The program started in January and has 32 participants so far who have asked for passes for themselves and family members who come exercise with them and encourage them to reach their goals. Patients have reported an increased awareness of their food, exercise habits and confidence in achieving their goals.

“Patients just have to indicate a desire to make a change in their health and we help them achieve their goals,” said Cutler.

Staff plan to expand the program into Westminster Public Schools in 2018 and increase the number of kids in the program.

For more information, contact Justin Cutler at 303-658-2211.

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