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Wednesday, October 13, 2021

New Bikeway Connection under Sheridan Blvd. Starts Construction in October

Construction starts soon on a direct pedestrian and bicycle connection under Sheridan Boulevard near U.S. Highway 36

The Sheridan Boulevard Multimodal Transportation Improvement project – known as the Sheridan Underpass – is a federal transportation investment in mobility for all modes of travel. This project creates a direct bicycle and pedestrian connection between Downtown Westminster and the Regional Transportation District’s US 36 and Sheridan Station. Several improvements to Sheridan Boulevard are also part of the project.

Project Highlights

The contractor team led by CEI will construct major roadway improvements on Sheridan Boulevard from late October 2021 to early 2023. Project features include:

  • Widening Sheridan Boulevard to six lanes from Turnpike Drive to West 88th Place
  • Constructing a new US 36 Bikeway underpass connecting Downtown Westminster to the RTD US 36 and Sheridan Station
  • Upgrading traffic signals at the Sheridan Boulevard / West 88th Avenue intersection
  • Placing curb ramps, concrete medians, street lights and pedestrian lights
  • Improving storm sewer drainage system
Travel Impacts

Construction activities will be phased to minimize traffic impacts. Intermittent lane closures are anticipated along Sheridan Boulevard between Turnpike Drive and West 88th Place through the remainder of 2021. Sheridan Boulevard will remain open during construction, and access to adjacent properties will be maintained.

The US 36 Bikeway will be closed between W. 88th Avenue and W. 92nd Avenue to accommodate construction. Local bike and pedestrian detours will be in place.

In early 2022, the contractor will temporarily reduce Sheridan Boulevard to two lanes in each direction and shift all traffic in order to construct a portion of the new US 36 Bikeway underpass below Sheridan Boulevard. This configuration will be in place for several months. All work is weather-dependent, and the schedule is subject to change.

For more information and project updates

Call:              303-219-9033

Email:           sheridan-underpass@workzone.info

Visit:             www.westminsterco.gov/SheridanUnderpass

Text:             SHERIDAN to 21000 to sign up for travel alerts

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