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Thursday, January 21, 2021

Standley Lake water level steady, but below full

Standley Lake water level steady, but below full

As of January, drought conditions continue throughout the state of Colorado. Clear Creek flows, the main supply to Standley Lake, continue to be low. Customer water demand has also been at a wintertime low meaning that the city’s portion of water storage in Standley Lake remains below full, but somewhat constant.

During winter months, the city keeps a close eye on snowpack in the Clear Creek watershed with monitoring stations at Berthoud Pass and Loveland Pass. Both sites are currently reporting slightly below average snowpack for this time of year.

The city's water supply continues to be adequate for this time of year. However, severe drought conditions are expected to continue and potentially worsen over the coming months. We will continue to closely monitor snowpack conditions and climate forecasts and their potential impacts to our water supply.

Depending on how the snow season progresses, a drought declaration may be necessary this spring.

The city will continue to provide updates on these conditions and appropriate next steps according to its Drought Management Plan.

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