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Thursday, July 16, 2020

Stormwater staff complete second annual report

Stormwater staff complete second annual report

Westminster’s stormwater staff has completed its 2019 Stormwater Annual Report

This annual report highlights the hard work and collaboration of multiple departments to ensure the regulatory compliance and efficiency of the city’s stormwater program.

The annual report covers:

  • Maintenance of existing city-owned drainageways (in collaboration with the Streets Division and the Parks, Recreation and Libraries Department) - $150,000
  • Emergency spill response and remediation for hazardous spills - 43 cases
  • Household hazardous waste program - 10,168 pounds/5.1 tons
  • Public education and outreach as it relates to stormwater pollution
  • Active construction site inspection program - 57 sites/677 total inspections
  • Post-construction site treatment facility inspection program - 10 total inspections
  • Capital project improvements
    • Dry Creek Valley Ditch lining project to mitigate seepage
    • State’s first interactive mapping technology called Fishviews for all of the city’s drainageways
  • A community rating system which provides a reduced flood insurance rate for those that elect to carry federal flood insurance
  • Street sweeping (managed by the Streets Division) - 1,107 miles of roadway
  • An upcoming 2021 Stormwater Asset Management Study, which provides an accurate location and condition assessment for all our underground stormwater infrastructure, i.e. pipes, manholes, inlets, etc. The study will allow for preventative maintenance, repairs and cleaner waterways
  • Floodplain mapping, regulation and emergency response

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