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Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Update: Planning Commission meeting for Uplands rescheduled to Tuesday, Jan. 14

A public hearing and consideration of three proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendments for the Uplands development (formerly Rose Hill and Pillar of Fire) has been rescheduled to 7 p.m. Jan. 14 at City Hall.

Public notification will be posted per Westminster Municipal Code.

The public hearing is for the consideration of three proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendments within the proposed Uplands development and does not include the developer’s applications for the Preliminary Development Plan, Annexation and Rezoning. Those applications also require a public hearing and consideration before the Planning Commission and City Council.

The development is located in the vicinity of West 84th Avenue and Federal Boulevard and includes five parcels:

Parcel A – Traditional mixed-use neighborhood development – No change proposed
Parcel B – Currently R-3.5 – Proposed R-5
Parcel C – Mixed use and R-18 – No change proposed
Parcel D – Currently office – Proposed R-8 and office
Parcel E – Currently office – Proposed private parks/Open space

These designations indicate the size of a residential project. R-3.5 typically develops as single family houses in 1-2 stories on 7,000 square foot lots, R-5 can develop as single family homes, duplexes or townhomes in 2-3 stories with no lot size restrictions, and R-8 can develop as townhomes or duplexes in 2-3 stories with no lot size restrictions. No commercial uses are allowed in any of these designations.

Please submit any questions to:

Jacob Kasza
Email: jpkasza@westminsterco.gov
City of Westminster
Department of Community Development, Planning Division
4800 West 92nd Avenue
Westminster, CO 80031

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