Wednesday, August 28, 2024
Westminster to Vote on Creating Representative Wards for City Council
Update: In the November 5 election, unofficial results indicate that voters denied ballot measure 3D with 25,713 “No” votes and 21,694 “Yes” votes.
During the November 2024 election, Westminster residents will have the opportunity to vote on a proposed system of representation by geographic wards. Ballot Measure 3D would create three representative wards across the city, with two councillors elected per ward. The mayor would continue to be a position elected at large.
Should the ballot item pass, the process for determining boundaries will begin in 2025. The proposed ordinance includes ward boundaries with balanced populations that are within 10 percent of each other, and boundaries will be adjusted every 10 years in alignment with the U.S. Census. Should population deviate beyond 10%, the City may adjust boundaries mid-decade.
Westminster residents should expect to see the below question on their ballots for the November 2024 election:
Shall the Charter of the City of Westminster, Colorado, be amended to create three (3) geographic wards, each represented by two (2) City Councillors residing in such wards, elected to staggered four-year terms, and establish rules for their election, service, and recall, to be fully implemented no later than 2027, by amending Sections 3.2, 3.3, 3.18, 5.1, and 5.2, and adding a new section 18.9?
A "Yes" vote will support the creation of wards for Westminster. A "No" vote will mean that City Councillors will continue to be elected at large.
Westminster City Council passed Councillor’s Bill No. 26 by a 6-1 vote on August 19, 2024, to place the proposed question on the November 5 ballot.
Council also gave direction to staff to draft a ballot question for the 2025 municipal election for residents to consider creating an additional two at-large councillor seats to create a nine-person city council.
To learn more about the representative wards process, please click here.